Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

Try, Try Again

Keeping up with who’s married to whom has Sheilah dizzy. But not too dizzy to understand why some stars keep changing...

Continued Love Story

This reporter was out to get her man—to answer the question Hollywood is asking about Kirk Douglas...

The Gardner-Sinatra Jigsaw

Elsa Maxwell puts together the pieces of this romantic puzzle—and predicts a startling climax to Ava’s and Frankie’s love story...

Brooklyn Eagle

For years they told him he was a mug. But one man’s faith and Jeff Chandler’s determination proved how wrong people...

Stormy Winters

She’s an eager beaver about acting, munches sandwiches at the opera and now is on a “dignity” binge. But sizzling...

House With A Past

Maureen O’Hara and her husband pooled the treasures from their past—now they’re living a charmed life...

Look Ahead!

You’ll change your mind about this age being dull when you read Barbara Stanwyck’s story about her exciting years....

That’s Hollywood For You

I ask you: Do you feel safer now that Elvis is in the Army protecting you? . . . Dorothy Malone...

Our Little Ham

That mas what Alan Ladd called his son, David, in jun—until he mas faced with a big decision...

Wake Up, Little Susie

Susan Strasberg lived in a teenage dream. Now the realities of life and love are calling . . ....


Tab Hunter: “I was boiling inside, and I blew my lid. That was the beginning of my . . .” ...

Getting Personal With Paul Anka

6:20 came a sleepy voice from behind the door of the St. Moritz’ plush suite 16A. “Even the milkman isn’t up...

Three Against A Storm

Caught in the tempest of Vic’s inner torment, is love enough to protect the Damones from perils that threaten their marriage?...

P.S. Your First Color Photo

Dear Elvis, Here’s the only complete record of your first day in the Army, taken by our photographer. Thought you’d like...

That’s Hollywood For You

I wonder what MM really thinks of BB. And vice versa . . . Rossano Brazzi should take lessons on how...

Happiest Time Of her Life

In her white-walled house on a shady street, Jane Powell has spent the last several months preparing for her biggest role—which...

The Prettiest Legs In Hollywood

It isn’t just the shape they’re in. According to the Hollywood men it’s the personality they express that gives these legs...

Miracle In Boston. . .

Feverishly, she tried to count the flowers, whirling the wallpaper—and heard the words that changed her life....

Nine Years With Love

It didn't sparkle like rubies or gleam with the richness of furs. And the bank would have branded it as worthless....

They’re Characters

The parts they play on the screen are acts that don’t go over in private life...

Big Guy! Big Future! Big Romance?

The future of his romance with Ginger Rogers has Hollywood guessing. But there’s no guesswork about Steve Cochran’s future....

Let’s Get to Know Debbie Reynolds!

She’s a pushover for chocolate malts, a whiz at Street baseball, a fun-loving tomboy who’d rather bowl than beau. She’s Debbie...

Plot For A Home

They wanted a big family so Jeanne Crain and Paul Brinkman planned their house to take on some additions too....

The Gardner-Sinatra Jigsaw

Everyone gives you a different reason why Ava and Frankie won’t marry. But Elsa gives her reason—for thinking they will...

Bing – Goes That Crosby Myth!

Bing Crosby dares an expose—and Photoplay dares to print the truth about the man who destroyed a myth with his own...

He’s George Nader!

There’s a reason for all that sighing. And it isn’t ’cause it’s spring. It’s that new man, Nader....

They Kissed And Made Up

Love has finally found the way to bring Jeff and Marge together. This time, they are sure, for keeps....

Little Girl No Longer Lost

She’d wanted to be like other girls growing up in Portland. Instead, she landed in Hollywood. It was to be a...

Pandemonium Reigned In Paradise

The bride forgot the ring, they had to be married twice. The sun forgot to shine, the newlyweds were homeless. But...

What Are Angels Made Of?

Being a little wacky and a little wonderful. Being brave, and wise about love. That’s what makes Pier Angeli the angel...

Elizabeth II Ascended The Throne

The bells tolled, the black-draped drums acknowledged and echoed the news. King George VI was dead, and a 25-year-old young woman...

When A Star Finds Heaven

She was an angel in a bright red coat and she brought him down to earth. To a place where home...

A Character—But Still Brando

What do people see in Marlon? Here are two points of view that suggest maybe it takes a woman to understand...

Move Over For Jane Russell!

A few months ago, on a late Sunday afternoon news telecast, a commentator announced that it had, indeed, been a confusing...

Atom Blonde!

Doris Day’s explosion of sunshine lights up everyone around her. But it’s no shallow glow. For behind it is the heart...

One Unenchanted Evening

Rosie Clooney met Jose Ferrer—and what happened? Nothing! So she married the guy....

Afraid To Fall In Love?

They say he's a wolf. But Scott Brady has his own reasons why there's no wife in his life....

Hollywood Party Line

If most Hollywood didn't have “preemitis” this month, it wasn’t the fault of the studios which fancy-preemed two big pictures within...

The More The Merrier

Those who knew him when, never could believe Dean Martin would be happy as a father. But he has the last...

This Is The Truth

Exciting—new—Photoplay first! Hollywood gossip put through the wringer of intimate and honest reporting, You’ve heard the rumor. Now read the fact!...

Bring Him Back Alive

Robert Wagner attracts danger like a magnet draws Steel. But is he worried? Not on his life!...

What’s Happening To Doris?

An inkling that all was not well with Doris Day first leaked out when vague items began appearing in the columns...

Handle With Care

Jane Russell spreads sweetness light in the manner of a volcano erupting, and loves to think the people she meets “hate...

Who Needs Beauty!

Her figure’s too thin and her face—well Audrey Hepburn thinks it’s awful. But the effect she had on this reporter is...

Go Out To A Movie

Love Me or Leave Me—One of the most unusual music dramas ever made gives Doris Day and James Cagney roles as...

“The Seven Year Itch”

Something in the shape of Marilyn Monroe is likely to haunt the daydreams of the average American male, and in 20th's...

Scandal In Hollywood

Rory Calhoun, June Allyson and her husband, Dick Powell, Alan Ladd and his wife, Sue, Burt Lancaster, Lana Turner and her...

That’s Hollywood For You

I’d like Grace Kelly to play a character who isn’t a lady to see if she could really act! . ....

Hollywood Party Line

There were lots of after dark doings at which Hollywood glamour-pusses had fun, ranging from the offbeat to the crazy. On the...

Sassy, But Successful

Bill Campbell has nerve! And he needed it to keep from quitting during the hard years. Now they’re over....

What Is This Thing Called Love?

You don’t know exactly how it began. He was just another date until . . . you looked across your chocolate...