Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

James Garner

For Jim Garner, the stakes were big: if he lost, he’d lose his career. He was riding high as TV’s “Maverick!”...

Marilyn Monroe Nude-Again!

Why did she do it? Is publicity—bold and blatant publicity—all that’s left of Marilyn’s career? At 36—without a husband, a job...

I Call It Scandalous!

Hollywood has headline jitters. With reason. This famous woman suggests a simple way for the studios to save the stars from...

Keep It Secret—Betty Garrett

Combining good sense with your beauty routine will keep you looking lovely—and him wondering how you get that way...

Summer Sorcery

Midday, matinee, midnight magic—Hollywood’s best-dressed go softly feminine in this season of romance...

Weekend Round-Up

Hollywood hits the trail for Alisal Ranch where cowboys boys rule the range and the first riders go out at dawn...

The Bing Crosby Myth

It’s time to explode a few truths about Bing. Here’s a story that gets closer to the crooner than any you’ve...

That’s Hollywood For You

That man is here again. What does it matter if he shatters a few illusions—he pays off double in laughs...

Hollywood’s Greatest Love Story

It began with a blind date and almost ended with a red-headed tantrum. Can you guess whose story this is—before you...

Tina Turner Happy At Last

At fifty-seven, rock's legendary diva is having the time of her life and all it took a Lodger sow anal was...

Here Comes The Bride

A Hollywood dress rehearsal or the romantic time ahead when you make that permanent date with the man you love...

Happy Day—Doris Day

She’s freckled and fun and falls in love like crazy. She’s Doris Day, who believes in singing those blues away...

Me . . . And Boys—Joan Evans

“Some of us are afraid of sex but most of us are more afraid of being called ‘different’.” The things this...

Some Enchanted Evenings

It’s a gay and gala season—with everyone traveling a pretty pace in the Hollywood social set...

Nights At The Round Table

In “The House that George Built,” Dinah’s Southern hospitality keeps the Lazy Susan in a spin...

Feature Attractions

Endearing proof that Hollywood has its heart in the right place—the home...

Man Power

They’ve got that irresistible something that keeps the Hollywood girls guessing—but there’s no guesswork about the future of these 1950 Gala-lads...

The Champ-1952

Talent-wise, it was the battle of the century. But even the losers unanimously approved of the judges’ final choice...

Call It A Day—Doris Day

Pictures worth prizing—a colorful collection of happy Days to brighten up the pages of your pocket-size pinup book . . ....

How Hollywood Has Changed Them

Hedda takes you back to the beginnings of some stars. If you don’t agree they’ve changed—she’ll eat her hat!...

You Chose These Stars!

Here are your winners! And each a future star on the way to fame and fortune...

Look Who’s Here!

You know their faces now . . . but you’ll know them even better soon. Here are four of the brightest of...

Piper Laurie Calls The Tune

Temperamental stars could take a tip from little Miss Laurie, who knows what she wants and gets it—with a technique as...

Hollywood’s Top Pinups

Meet the girls who’ve earned their DSO (Distinguished Siren Order ) as the ladies whose lines add up to more than...

Style Your Hair Like A Star

Tired of your old hair-do? Afraid to take a chance? You won’t be when you read these easy directions for shaping...

They Have Troubles

Don’t get Sheilah Graham wrong, she has troubles, too. But after looking at these star problems, she began counting her blessings...

Halfway House—Mona Freeman

Building a room at a time keeps the Nerney budget balanced and gives Mona Freeman a chance to plan for the...

Hollywood Vanities

With the summer show almost over, Hollywood prepares, with exciting new styles, for the season ahead...

Snap Judgments

Caught—with their glamour down! It’s pictures like these that keep stars on alert for George Sidney’s candid camera...

Last Laugh—Alan Ladd

He was always a model husband . . . a devoted father . . . a man who never left home...

Just Plain Jane Russell

Her manner is offhand and her clothes are casual. She’s allergic to worry, loathes cooking and compliments and thinks her job...

Hey, Sugar

Van remembers . . . her middy blouses, those chipmunks, the day she became his leading lady, that frightened kiss....

Parties, Parties, Parties

The Hollywood kind are world-famous, for a variety of reasons. This party-giver points out why...

Hollywood Bachelor—Scott Brady

No low-slung roadsters for Scott Brady. He’s making headway with the kind of charm that makes girls feel cherished...

The Only Hope—Judy Garland

There’s one road that will bring Judy back to happiness. But whether she can take it is the question. For it...

Hollywood’s New Look In Sex

The gamin girls with the crazy cuts and the lean lines are giving the lush and lovely lasses a run for...

My Friend Marlon Brando

“Without a doubt he’s a genius—our finest actor today. And the gentlest man alive. All he wants is complete freedom to...

Win A Present from A Star

At Universal-International Studios, young players are given a chance to prove they have what it takes to be a star. Now...

Portrait Of Ann Blyth

Here, in the warm words of friendship, is the real Ann Blyth. It is a revealing portrait of the girl Jeanne...