Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

Jackie, Kate & Cheryl–To Grow Up

Rumors have been flying backstage on their set, that Cheryl Ladd, Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson are anything but heavenly angels!...

Their Marriage Is A Laugh

The rafters rang when the Wendell Coreys first met each other, and life has been a series of hearty chuckles for...

June Allyson

Soon she'll be settled on new home grounds as Mrs. Dick Powell, RFD...

How I Trained My Husband

When my jibes at his “funny” habits didn’t help I had to resort to more drastic measures...

Is It Really Love?

Never have two people looked more in love than Pier Angeli and Kirk Douglas. Can they bridge the gaps—and make romance...

This Is Debra Paget

There’s no great mystery about Debra Paget. All she asks is the right to live her own life in her own...

How I Trained My Husband

“Anytime you want your man to do something, smile at him.” How little mother knew Dean!...

Be Have Yourselves!

—A frank and forthright warning to the stars who make headlines—the wrong headlines—...


She knew what she wanted—now Ann Blyth is planning to be wed to Dr. James McNulty....

Go Out To A Movie

Never Wave at a Wac We‘ve all met the hero who’s an obnoxious type until the Army makes a man of him....

With Open Hearts

Tragedy had struck home. But from far away places came the happiness Roy Rogers and his family needed....

Mothers’ Day

The stork doubles up on delivery service and Judy Garland and Jane Powell each have girls the same day....

Too Busy For Love?

Not even a new romance can convince Hollywood that Arlene Dahl has lost the heart she controls as well as she...

Change Of Face—In Hollywood

In the old days, stars made up so heavily you couldn’t see the players for the paint. Now they’re doing what...

Betty Grable’s Other Life

Reams have been written about Miss Betty Grable the star. But now meet “Mommie”—Mrs. Harry James, proud parent of Vicki and...

Are Actors Sissies?

They’re as used to the powder puff as the prettiest girl. But do their he-man muscles revolt?...

Dixie Lee

She was shy and retiring. But somehow, everyone always knew Dixie Lee was right behind Bing and their boys...

The Tings I’ve Learned

Here is my untold story, and in it I am shouting my thanks to the highest-paid teachers in the whole wide...

Is Hollywood Carrying Sex Too Far?

Monroe’s not-so-demure doctrine has started a new siren trend. But over-exposure, warns Sheilah, has ruined many a film!...

Rita Hayworth Takes The Count

If it’s consolation Rita needs, she’s getting it from gallant Count José Padierna de Villapadierna, who’s been her constant escort in...

Go Out To A Movie

Road to Bali The first fine bloom of the “Road” series may have worn off, but for aficionados there’s still a relaxing...

The Real Vince Edwards

“The Uncastables” have been given a shot in the arm. And who gave it to them? Ben Casey—that’s who. They figure...

Rebel With A Cause

Cold . . . remote . . . or a Latin lover? Rich dilettante or eager beaver? Pan-American diplomat or the...

Command Performance

What makes a star play for royalty and prisoners in one week? To Sammy Davis. Jr. it’s the command of a...

America’s 2 Queens!

What do you have to say about Jacqueline Kennedy and Elizabeth Taylor...

Go Out To A Movie

ROME ADVENTURE Warners; Technicolor; Director-Producer, Delmer Daves (Adult) WHO’S IN IT? Suzanne Pleshette, Troy Donahue, Angie Dickinson....

Janet Leigh’s Own Story

The tragic separation of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis will go into Hollywood history as the worst-kept secret of the 60’s....

The Charlton Heston Affair

It began when they were separated by continents, it fiourished when friends served them marriage on tlıe rocks it reached its...

When Love Scenes Get Hot

From splendor in the grass to splendor in the night clubs only proves that there's no telling what will happen...

He’ll Hate You In The Morning

You thought the date was great, but he never called you back. You thought he flipped, but it’s you who slipped....

Anna Kashfi’s Own Story

“I'll fight before I let Marlon drive me out of my mind!” “Marlon Brando is a lonely, tormented man. I don’t want...

The Boy Who Become A Man Too Soon

From the very beginning, close friends foresaw impending disaster. . . .for the first time, here is the story behind the...

What Makes A Movie Clean And Dirty?

The best protection is not censorship. The best protection comes from a citizenry that is fully educated—educated to its responsibility as...

Go Out To A Movie

MOON PİLOT Buena Vista; Technicolor; Director, James Neilson; Producer, Walt Disney (Family) WHO’S IN IT? Tom Tryon, Dany Saval, Brian Keith, Edmond O’Brien....

Ernie Kovacs, Farewell…

Hollywood and the world have been saddened by the shocking death of Ernie Kovacs, and he will be missed greatly. But...

Deborah Walley & John Ashley

How To Get Engaged Without Even Trying! Says Ashley: I didn’t even want to date Debbie—now we’re getting married....