Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

Figure Foibles

Even Hollywood’s famous figures have their problems. Here’s what they do to correct the shape they’re in!...

Determined Davalos

In “East of Eden” he was the boy who belonged, who had a place of his own. But in real life,...

The Power And The Glory

Sometimes a man must stop and look back to find out where he s going. Today, Ty Power is standing at...

Brooklyn’s Child Is Full Of Faith

“Call it a power, God, or anything you wish,” says Susan Hayward. “But always there is something to sustain us in time...

Rock Hudson’s Hideaway

What does a man need to settle down? Says Rock, four walls and a place to call his own!...

Demon Dean

Out of the corner of his eyes he’s daring Hollywood to change him. And telling the world in his bebop lingo,...

So Happy She Can’t Stand It!

If you’ve known what it’s like to be walking on air—get dizzy when you breathe—hear music when there’s no one there,...

Go Out To A Movie

The Affairs Of Susan—Susan, played by Joan Fontaine, was four women to four men, and all of the Susies were interesting,...

Wedding In The Rain

A wedding with wings—with Mary Elliott and Robert Cummings as the bride and groom and you as the guest....

Here Comes The Bride

A two-up-the-aisle account of the mirth and mishaps that have befallen some of Hollywood’s altar cases....

Shy Girl With Nerve

Eleanor Parker of the new personality—a thoughtful girl who searched far for gaiety....

Sunday In Hollywood

One day a week to call their own. What do they do? Hymie Fink takes his camera and turns reporter with...

My Worst Boner

Some outstanding verbal blunders of six outstanding people. They, like you, can laugh over them now, but at the time—!...

“Every Time I leave You”

She’s Calamity Jane—this Marie McDonald! The body is beautiful and the brain is bright, but every time the lady takes a...

The Dane Clark Takes Over

You catch your breath and wonder how Dane Clark does it—combines cave-man force and dream-man appeal...

She Had To Be Me

How would you like to watch Rosalind Russell play you? The author of “Roughly Speaking” did just that—and tells you...

Life With Fathers

Some data on famous dads and their unpredictable offspring...

It’s Fun To Be Bracken

You bet it is—just ask Eddie,the “Out Of This World” star with the dead-pan face and the ad lib tongue, who...

Confessions Of A Lazy Guy

Beginning an eye-opening account of man’s life—told with humor and nesty by the man who is living it...

The Magic Of Dorothy McGuire

This is “Miss Cupcake” who is as cute as the name—with the gift to give dullness a dazzling glow...

“Ask Me No Questions…”

In which a relentless star reporter meets her match—almost—when she tries to get June Allyson to talk about a certain man...

That’s Hollywood For You!

Just so you’ll know—that man’s on the prowl again, ferreting out the foibles of cinematown’s local talent...

Go Out To A Movie

The Enchanted Cottage—That key is love—not of self but for another in which self is forgotten...

Will He Want To Come Home?

This is the question every woman is asking herself today—will her man want to come back to her and the routine...

My Favorite Possession

Of course you’re sentimental about the person you love, about your wedding ring, your baby’s first booties—so are the stars. But...

Junior Pin-Up

She’s pixie in pigtails—this Margaret O’Brien, who soft-pressures your hand and high-pressures your heart....

Dick Arlen, Sky Rider

For all his fun and friendliness he lives his life apart, because he’s learned to walk alone in the clouds...

Lee Bowman, Homesteader

The man wanted the girl, the girl wanted a home. So Cupid sat in as agent—and the Bowmans bought a house....

The Saga Of Frederick And Lilly

About two years ago, Bob Taylor gave Snow White to Fred MacMurray. She wasn’t Walt Disney’s Snow White. This Snow White...

Wartime Wife

A surprise story about the Ginger Rogers of today and the pattern she has figured out for her war-waiting....

Tom Drake Married His First Love

Tom Drake did it—kissed a girl nine years ago—and remembered. P.S. It took an elopement in the desert to catch up...

Love Song For Judy Garland

It will be a wedding march—the scene will be the altar—the girl, Judy Garland, will meet the man, Vincente Minnelli—and both...

Velvet Girl

She’s Elizabeth Taylor who speaks the language of the animal kingdom—and adds postscripts to her prayers....

A Letter To My Mother

This is straight-from-the-heart dreaming by a typical GI—of a special girl on her special day....

With A Song In His Heart

No one knows better how to judge a man than a wise priest. Here Father Follen paints a picture of Bing...

Gold Medal Lady; Greer Garson

Photoplay presents America's most popular film actress in a warm and vibrant story by a favorite friend....

Photoplay’s Quiz

You’re kidding? You mean you can tell from Photoplay’s quiz if you’re the type of girl Fabian goes for?...


First picture of Deborah Kerr and her husband-to-be, Peter Viertel...

That’s Hollywood For You!

I wonder who Kim Novak thinks she is. She is different people at different times, but I admit I like most...

Go Out To A Movie

The Fugitive Kind—Three high-powered personalities—Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani and Joanne Woodward (pictured above)—go into high gear, with the result you feel...

Why A Guy Wants to Stay Single?

Stephen Boyd walked into the crowded 20th Century-Fox commissary recently, and despite the general noonday luncheon confusion, there was hardly a...

Goodbye Mrs. Calabash

Wherever You Are. . . Please Forgive Me. . .The tragic story behind Jimmy Durante’s farewell....

Make Your Own Summer Magic

Hayley Mills, enchanting star of “Summer Magic,” Disney’s perfect warm-weather entertainment, waves to show you how to be a cool-dressed, cool-fed...

A New Baby For Debbie

Three happy words. In big bold print. Certainly the happiest newspaper headline of the month out of Hollywood, we thought ...

Richard Chamberlain Loves to Laugh

  PART II   If Dick Chamberlain’s desire to become a star burned deeper than most kid’s it was also more carefully hidden. Hyper-sensitive,...

Eddie Fisher’s Paralysis

Is there any torment more painful than the torment of love lost? For Liz Taylor’s fourth husband there was. This is...

Go Out To A Movie

BLACK GOLD—Warners; Director, Leslie H. Martinson: Producer. Jim Barnett (Family)...

I Feel Bad About Baby Doll

She isn’t me, insists Carroll Baker, who admits it hurts when people talk about the girl who made her famous....

Escape To Happiness

At the very moment of her deepest despair, the sun broke through for Doris Day, and a new life was born....

To You From Tony; SA-WAD-DEE

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I’M WRITING THIS from Rome, which is wonderful enough for me, a...

Has Hollywood Lost Its Glamour?

Looking backward to the torrid Twenties and tempestuous Thirties—to the era of mink-lined limousines, voluptuous vamps, patent-leather sheiks, the question is...

Search For Faith

He left the stage to try the movies, discarded blue jeans for respectability, courted love, then fled. Today Marlon Brando reaches...

The Dream That Lasts A Lifetime

Vera Miles says, “I never eared much for personal belongings, but when it comes to the things that make a house...

The Reluctant Traveler

Making a movie in Greece was exciting, living in a rock ’n’ roll home was fun. But at times Alan Ladd...

What Makes Her A Star?

Has Kim Novak gone Hollywood? Some say yes, but maybe it’s just that a shy little girl is at long last...

The Trials Of Jean

Stepping onto a movie set was like stepping into a nightmare. The cameras looked like menacing cannons; the director, an ogre....

Exclusively Yours

New talents but old problems for Tab Hunter, Dana Wynter, Yul Brynner and Bob Wagner....

Look Where You’re Going Audrey!

While she strides forward to greater triumphs, Audrey’s critics ask: Can the gamine grow up as an actress and find the...

The Pat Boone Story

The wheel of fortune turned—to make him in two years a top record star. Now phenomenal Pat is moving in on...

That’s Hollywood For You!

I’d say Kirk Douglas tries to be charming always and everywhere. . . . And that Cary Grant is always charming,...

Go Out To A Movie

12 Angry Men—Though tension builds steadily throughout this unusual drama, its intelligent and penetrating approach provides material for thought, as well...

Give A Man Room To Grow

Within, each of us struggles for something. Today, Rock Hudson asks himself a question which perhaps you are better qualified to...