Mitzi Gaynor Made Her Mind Up
A year ago Mitzi Gaynor didn’t like what she saw in her mirror. She made herself over—and wound up with a...
A year ago Mitzi Gaynor didn’t like what she saw in her mirror. She made herself over—and wound up with a...
One little word from Mario and Katie blew her top. Then Mrs. Lanza got into the picture. And before the air...
A pretty lady used to come to see me every six months or so . . . they told me that...
Eleanor Powell, elegantly dressed in a light beige suit, walked slowly and deliberately down the stairs of her Beverly Hills home...
FRANK SINATRA Few believed that he had it in him! But when “From Here to Eternity” was released, Frankie’s portrayal of the...
“Can you ever get over a broken heart?” asked Dinah Shore, speaking slowly and looking thoughtfully over toward her husband, George...
Debbie's Fan Club President (I’m the one in the middy blouse) . . ....
Dianne Lennon says it isn’t always easy to tell, thought she confesses she proposed to Dick Gass the second time that...
Photoplay goes to the wedding with Sidney Skolsky...
Marilyn Monroe seemed to say: “Look what fun I’m having!” Everyone gaped—but me. . . ....
There are those who will tell you that somewhere in Washington, D.C., there is a top secret file on Cliff Robertson....
On her seventeenth birthday, Hayley Mills gives her first grown-up interview on love, men and marriage!...
“Hey, kid! Hide this!”’. . . From his tenement stoop in the Bronx, Bobby Cassatto stared at the knife that clattered...
I wonder if Tuesday Weld thinks Beverly Aadland is a wild kid. . . . “Suddenly, Last Summer” is the only...
You can see him in a crowd. You can reach out and touch him; because he is a great man, famous,...
“I wish I’d paid for it alone, but my children are paying for it too.”...
Meet him on his own ground and you’ll discover the only thing that’s distant—is the view from his hilltop home...
“Tony, honey, I’m so happy.” Janet said, laughing through her tears—...
Nick (to himself): “Does she really want a divorce?” Carol (to himself): “I know he never loved me.”...
DORIS DAY looks at life through rose-colored glasses. And why not? One of Hollywood’s happiest actresses, Dodo cheerfully admits she has everything...
What are they looking for? What is the reason for their restless searching? Why are these stars....
Dick Gardner wants desperately to keep his family together, yet he says—...
Robert Evans: The young man stepped out of the red Ferrari convertible, leaned over the side of the car and lifted out...
Cherry Boone: “Hmmm, we had a wedding at our house”...
Three years ago, James Dean smashed up his Porsche and died. A few months ago, Dean Stockwell smashed up his Renault—and...
There’s an untold story behind the news item which shocked Hollywood—the Susan Hayward-Jess Barker rift...
She’s never cooked a meal, never darned his socks, but running Mike Wilding is no chore at all—not for Liz Taylor!...
DIANE J. and PETER BROWN The registrar at the Las Vegas marriage license bureau looked annoyed. Standing before her, anxiously pleading, were...
It was to the sound of the rain, the gentle tap-tap-tap on the windowpane, that she awoke. “Oh no!” Jean Seberg...
I was sitting in the control booth of “American Bandstand” the other day, looking through the plate-glass window at the kids...
As solid as the guy himself is this girl in his life. She’s always out of sight when the cameras turn...
The Marilyn Monroe PINUP Calendar For 1954...
Truce talks don’t mean the battle’s over. But love is winning with Frankie and Ava...
Kim Novak is now keeping a diary! . . . Hollywood hasn’t a Times Square. It doesn’t dig anything square, man....
I’m in love with Bob!” says Natalie Wood. “I’m in love with Natalie!” says Bob Wagner. And Photoplay’s sleuth, after watching...
Photograph by Estabrook: Rock will be seen in “Magnificent Obsession” Rock Hudson Hitchhiker to the moon . . . a fresh breeze on...
Are Joe and Marilyn married? Those in the know say yes—and no! Here, for the first time, the limelight-shy DiMaggio himself...
It’s easy to be pretty while you’re pregnant nowadays, says Vera Miles. ...
Several months ago, Vera Miles, mother of two and more than somewhat pregnant, instructed her agent to find her a picture...
With cameras set to roll, assistant director Joe Rickards fixes the slate: “Misc. tests of Tommy Sands.” Meantime, technicians do a...
A realistic warning to the sentimentalists who are holding Judy Garland back—from the way she could go...
She eats everything in sight except parsnips . . . calls her leading men “Cuz” . . . and can’t even...
How does Mr. Nader stack up as husband material? We’ll let an old friend tell you. And if Babs is telling...
She sits hugging her knees, for a minute, and then she changes, digs her feet deeper into the sand and laughs....
Look who is one! O star-produced Princess Carrie, you are introduced So blithe and bonnie, good and gay, Being born on the Sabbath day!! ...
When Vince Romaine first applied beard, Janet and Tony were dubious. Tony asked us, “Will the fans like me in it?”...
She’s kicking over the traces, flabbergasting her friends, going wild on the set! All Hollywood is wondering—...
Eyebrows were raised when Joan Collins announced plans to marry Warren Beatty....
She switches from angel to imp with bewildering speed and when she explodes, hellzapoppin’—but after the smoke clears, Shirley’s got the...
One gray day, three months after Mike Todd’s death, Elizabeth Taylor Todd faced the hardest task of her life...
Well, we all have our little idiosyncrasies and Tony Perkins’ is that he can’t concentrate with shoes on. It took him...
Marriage to Cynthia has brought Cliff Robertson through the torment and heartache of a long night’s journey into day...
Seems these movie stars are nothing but plain old people, just like us! So say Photoplay’s offguard photos...
She looks like Doris and she sings like Doris—but she isn’t acting like the girl we’ve known. Now we’re wondering—will tomorrow...
An Exclusive Interview with Marilyn Monroe by Earl Wilson . . . In her first interview before she left for Hollywood,...
BOB EVANS, fashion designer: “ . . . a woman shouldn’t look vivid . . . she should look tailored and...
The hottest new personality on television today is Mike Wallace, who steams up millions of TViewers by putting celebrities on the...
Grant is a firm believer in hypnotism, Zen Buddhism and charm . . . Ann Blyth finds it easier to make...
The day was sunny and warm, a perfect Saturday, but Bonnie Marshall, Debra Olson and Susie Grinel hardly noticed as they...
“Tell us about them!” you have begged. “What happened to them? Where are they now?” The great stars of yesterday have...
Dateline Europe— Brandishing at Brando: When Marlon Brando scalded himself with a hot cup of tea in the cocktail bar of the “Prince...
She’s young, she’s beautiful and she lives alone. And she knows how to have fun—and stand clear of gossip...
A ship or a dream? Van Heflin did some thinking, then kept on traveling, but in a different direction....
Joan, the honey blonde, who helps keep the rest of the Caulfields in happy, hectic confusion...
The storm raged and so did the rest of the troupe, but Stanley Morner kept right on singing—singing against time and...
Did you and Steve plan to have Stephanie? Sure, about a year later. It was two months before I found out I...
Right before Debbie's eyes the ''perfect'' marriage crumbled . . . Eddie's last interview before the split-up....
Debbie Reynold: “We’d never been happier than we were last year”...
Everybody was invited to Sonja’s party—but the press. It’s Photoplay’s luck that Hymie—and his camera—got in...
It was live and learn for Bob, who lost—but luck and the lady decided to listen....
Janie couldn’t help bubbling any more than she could help singing—or eating up the profits in her father’s shop....
The question was asked in a whisper, yet the words seemed to grow louder and louder and more insistent . ....
When I was scared or feeling real blue, I’d go to her and she’d put her arms around me and in...
Love Katie,” says Johnnie Johnston, speaking to I me but looking at Kathryn Grayson....
With these resolutions ring in the new . . . to enhance your beauty the whole year through....
From Scottish pines for Christmas trees to California palms . . . Greer takes an enchanting journey into some yesteryear Yuletides....
FROM: Sara Hamilton—Hollywood TO: New York office SUBJECT: Cary Grant I didn't get the story you wanted on Cary Grant. In fact, I didn’t...
But first, please read my story. I want you yo understand why I’ve Changed....
Most people won’t talk about rented furs and mortgages, but who expects the usual from unusual Miss Yvonne?...
If you were my girl you’d have glamour and sincerity. That’s the greatest combination a girl can have—either on or off...
Elizabeth Taylor came down the ramp of the TWA plane arriving from New York at Los Angeles International Airport . ....
Joan Collins is battling the biggest problem of her career. After you’ve read this unusually frank interview, you’ll be rooting for...
Has Kim Novak been charmed by the dashing Mario Bandini into deserting Hollywood and Mac Krim? Here’s the inside story with...
Some like ’em plain, some like ’em fancy. But stars agree—undies are the best foundation for glamour!...
Through heartache, disappointments and near tragedy, John and Patti Derek discovered a rare treasure—the richness of love when it’s shared...
I’m betting Marilyn Monroe will be even more popular as Mrs. DiMaggio. Males will like her as always, and now more...