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Who Needs Beauty!

Her figure’s too thin and her face—well Audrey Hepburn thinks it’s awful. But the effect she had on this reporter is nothing short of sensational....

Go Out To A Movie

Love Me or Leave Me—One of the most unusual music dramas ever made gives Doris Day and James Cagney roles as startling as the picture. ...

The Marriage The Whole World Waited For . . .

When Eddie gave Debbie her ring, a sentimental sigh went around the world. Youngsters hoped that one day they’d find a love like this. For in spite of the spotlight, Debbie and Eddie remained always the simple boy and girl. Debbie’s staunch refusal to be...

“The Seven Year Itch”

Something in the shape of Marilyn Monroe is likely to haunt the daydreams of the average American male, and in 20th's "The Seven Year Itch" those dreams hilariously come true. Tom Ewell, who created the role in the original Broadway hit, is the lucky dreamer....

Scandal In Hollywood

Rory Calhoun, June Allyson and her husband, Dick Powell, Alan Ladd and his wife, Sue, Burt Lancaster, Lana Turner and her husband, Lex Barker, Van Johnson, to name only a few of the stars, are being subjected to vicious attacks. Photoplay has received hundreds of...

That’s Hollywood For You

I’d like Grace Kelly to play a character who isn’t a lady to see if she could really act! . . . Also, Hollywood is on a lady kick and too many actresses are trying to act like ladies both off-screen and on. . ....

Hollywood Party Line

There were lots of after dark doings at which Hollywood glamour-pusses had fun, ranging from the offbeat to the crazy. On the legit side was the exciting opening of “Anniversary Waltz.” with Howard Duff and Marsha Hunt. Ida Lupino, looking lovely, was as nervous as all...