For Guy Madison, the long, hard trail has ended at the top of a sunlit hill. To the two girls who have given life a new meaning to the once lonesome cowboy...
“SUMMERTIME” is the clincher that the Hepburn is Katie. Some people required proof . . . Katie is my oddson favorite to win the Oscar. In the actor division, as this typewriter copy is transformed into type, the leading candidate is Jimmy Cagney . ....
For the first time in his life Kirk Douglas has lost that faraway look. After all, why would a man want to wander with so many things happening close to home?...
IF THE “OPENINGS,” celebrations, fashion shows, charity events that ushered in the debut of the fabulous new Beverly Hilton Hotel had lasted one more night, believe me, most of Hollywood and citizens of its swanky outlying districts would have been in a state of collapse!...