Full speed ahead to a lovelier you—with Hollywood as your guide to the right proportions for your height . . . the tricks of make-up and dress to suit your type....
She’s an eager beaver about acting, munches sandwiches at the opera and now is on a “dignity” binge. But sizzling or serious, she’s always sexy Shelley...
She called him a beast and he dug his feet in the ground. She told him what she thought of him and he rolled his eyes. But the way Kab headed for the home stretch proved Betty had horse sense...
Wear your favorite star’s autograph, hand and footprints on your beach clothes! Make your own Grauman’s Chinese Theatre Collection with our Free patterns!...
I ask you: Do you feel safer now that Elvis is in the Army protecting you? . . . Dorothy Malone seldom admits anything is impossible, and has an Oscar to prove it . . . If there ever was an actress who looked like...
The little red book which contains highlights from the thought of Mao Tse-tung is the most influential volume in the world today. It is also extremely dull and entirely unmemorable. To resolve this paradox we, a handful of editors in authority who follow the capitalist...