For the dough: 8¾ oz (250 g) marzipan paste, 1 cup + 1½ tbsp (220 g) sugar, 1 pinch salt, 1/3 cup + 1½ tbsp (40 g) ground almonds (blanched), zest from ½ organic lemon, 3 egg whites
To sprinkle on top: 3 tbsp coarse sugar,...
They grabbed a tramp steamer to Genoa, drove through Spain, and took a train to France.
The first thing they did when they hit Paris was get lost, so they headed for the nearest policeman. Between his pidgin English and Dorothy’s pidgin French, they were on...
For the dough: 4 1/3 oz (125 g) almonds, ¼ tsp baking powder, 1 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp (175 g) flour, ¾ cup (75 g) ground almonds, 1 cup (200 g) sugar, 1 pinch salt, 2 eggs
Additional: butter and flour for the baking sheet
At fourteen, like most teen-agers, Kim Novak hated her own looks. Her baby-fine, white-blonde hair she regarded as the end in nothing, her lashes were even more so, and her skin looked to her like skimmed-milk.
On impulse, she decided to get herself turned into a...
The small-car template set in the mid-1970s matured in the '80s. Front-wheel drive, a transverse four-cylinder engine with the gearbox and final drive on the end, and a hatchback body with three or five doors became the format for the majority of car sales in...