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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Vintage Paparazzi" (Page 11)

Pace-Setting Style from Italian Designers

Producers of ground-breaking car designs since the 1920s, the Italian styling houses were the single most influential styling force in the motoring world by the 1980s. Italian stylists led not just fashion—wedge shapes or rounded—but whole concepts, such as the hatchback body style, adding glamour...

Ultimate Sports Sedans

By the 1980s, sedans were so refined that open sports cars became the preserve of hardy enthusiasts; speed-seeking drivers bought sports sedans instead. The surge in popularity of touring-car racing led manufacturers to build homologation specials—road models adapted to meet racing regulations—that would put their...

Young Man With Guitar—Rick Nelson

Rick is kind of shy, but awfully sweet Just as nice a boy as you’ll ever meet. He likes a picnic or a moonlight ride—Of course with a pretty girl at his side. One minute he’s serious, next he grins, Then laughs out loud when...

Backstage At The Big Beat

I knocked at the big backstage door of the Brooklyn Fox Theater. Alan Freed, the big daddy of rock ’n’ roll, had invited us to a Big Beat session and then asked us if we’d like to go backstage to meet his singing stars. “No visitors,”...

Framed!—Dana Wynter

“Girls should never pursue men,” says Dana Wynter. Then how did she win the most sought-after bachelor in Hollywood? “I have never once discussed my courtship,” Dana answered. But, then—to prove a point about American men, she did! “To understand how and why Greg Bautzer and...