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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Vintage Paparazzi" (Page 173)

“The Hardest Thing In Life Is To Make Love Well”

In a recent interview, European actress Romy Schneider said, “The hardest thing in life is to make love well.” We decided to ask several Hollywood stars whether or not they agreed with her . . . and why. For their provocative answers, click on the...

Fred Robbins Tapes The Most Candid Interview Ever—With Joanne Woodward

FRED: Hey there, Mrs. Joanne Woodward Newman. JOANNE: Hey. That sounds so southern. FRED: You want to get back to New York, don’t you? JOANNE: Yes, I do. FRED: What don’t you like about California? JOANNE: It’s what I love about New York, not what I don’t like about California. California’s fine, if you like California....

Anthony Quinn’s Love Child

This is less a story than a portrait. A portrait of a sinner. A portrait of one who has brought shame and suffering upon his wife and children, of one who has violated the precepts of religion and ethics, and one who stands accused before...

James Garner

For Jim Garner, the stakes were big: if he lost, he’d lose his career. He was riding high as TV’s “Maverick!” But when a strike cut off his salary and his studio refused to let him accept other offers, it became a real-life gamble. He...

Marilyn Monroe Nude-Again!

Why did she do it? Is publicity—bold and blatant publicity—all that’s left of Marilyn’s career? At 36—without a husband, a job or faith in herself—what will happen to Marilyn next?...