Eleanor Powell, elegantly dressed in a light beige suit, walked slowly and deliberately down the stairs of her Beverly Hills home and, reaching the hallway, stopped to pick up the morning paper. Glancing over the headlines, she took the paper with her as she walked...
Few believed that he had it in him! But when “From Here to Eternity” was released, Frankie’s portrayal of the tough, fiery little Italian dogface, Maggio, stopped the presses. This time, Hollywood’s bad boy is making the headlines the right way!...
“Can you ever get over a broken heart?” asked Dinah Shore, speaking slowly and looking thoughtfully over toward her husband, George Montgomery, as they sat relaxing in the garden of their home. “Missy will be asking me soon and I’ll need an answer for her....
Dianne Lennon says it isn’t always easy to tell, thought she confesses she proposed to Dick Gass the second time that she ever met him. But she admits now that she didn’t actually fall in love with him until years later. Confusing?...
There are those who will tell you that somewhere in Washington, D.C., there is a top secret file on Cliff Robertson. His life was combed with the finest of teeth: his marriage to the ex-wife of Jack Lemmon in 1957; his divorce in I960; his...