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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Vintage Paparazzi" (Page 164)

These Little Wigs Went To Market

Did you know that many of Hollywood’s most glamorous stars have two heads? The extra head, of course, is an extra head of hair! A wig! Today, fashion-conscious females all over the world have discovered what film beauties have known for a long time—a wig...

His Church Accuses Him Of Wilderness—Pat Boone

Pat Boone’s critics think he’s prim. His enemies rail him dull! His wife worries herself to a frazzle when their children see him with a strange woman. To understand these conflicting viewpoints, we suggest you click the news—immediately!...

What Happens When A Star Sleeps

What do they dream? What do their dream mean? To find out, we take you into the secret world of: Carolyn Jones Doug McClure Frankie Avalon Bobby Rydell Dodie Stevens Bob Conrad Roger Smith Diane McBain Sal Mineo and Fabian! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There’s a song which says, “A dream...

Vince Edwards His Life Story

BOOK-LENGTH BONUS One night about five years ago, Vince Edwards was singing in a Hollywood night spot called Plymouth House, when a burly type stalked up to the mike, snarled, “You sing sarcastic”—and punched Vince square in the mouth. In a flash the man, a big-time...

What Gives?—Frank Sinatra & Janet Leigh

It’s easy to believe that Janet Leigh is in love with Frank Sinatra. It’s just as easy to believe that Frank loves Janet. But believing does not make it true. You have to look at the record to find out what goes with Janet and...

Ann-Margret: “Why I Prefer Divorced Men”

As Ann-Margret and Eddie Fisher dated in Las Vegas, whispers followed them—even as they bicycled along the Strip. Those whispers said, “Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor!” All those tourists who had come to Vegas—as much in hopes of seeing celebrities as of hitting jack-pots—stared...