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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Vintage Paparazzi" (Page 156)

The Big Rumor

When Frank Sinatra was in the South of France, filming location exteriors for “Kings Go Forth,” a reporter from London turned up on the scene with a volley of personal questions to toss at him. But when Frankie refused to discuss his romantic life—past, present...

That’s Hollywood For You

I’ll bet Sophia Loren is now regarded as a Hollywood actress in Italy . . . I can’t imagine Tony Perkins cooking a meal, but . . . he does . . . Nobody sings a torch song like Frank Sinatra . . . Nobody...

Exclusively Yours

A “Grace”-ful Future: Although both Her Grace, Princess de Monaco and Prince Rainier had hoped their first child would be an heir to the throne, I have a sneaking suspicion that Grace is secretly glad that “he” turned out to be a “she”—because when Princess Caroline...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

“Stardom doesn’t last,” a new player named Fredric March confided to Photoplay in 1927. Bette Davis put it another way. “I don’t want to own anything I can’t pack in a trunk,” she proclaimed upon first arriving in Hollywood. Yet March, after thirty years, is...