Here are little-known facts about well-known stars; secrets that account for their success with people and with careers—and may be the answers to your problems, too!...
In their new home Fernando and Arlene discovered that they don’t have to have everything in common—just as long as they do have something very special!...
It isn’t arrogance that makes Clift hide from the public, flee from romance. It’s a deep-rooted fear of failure that’s turned him into Filmdom’s Vanishes Man!...
There’s a ring on Debbie’s finger and a gleam in Eddie’s eye; there may be wedding bells right after New Year’s—but only weeks ago look what they were saying!...
IN THIS SECTION: Good News . . . Hollywood Snapshots . . . The letter box . . . Love story of the month . . . I was miffed at Jane Powell . . . I nominate Martha Hyer...
Since her wedding Marilyn Monroe has been living in two worlds. One is at home with Joe in the evening—which she considers most important—and the other is her own daytime career world which keeps her famous and content.
These two worlds are separate and Joe wants...