This train’s destination is diversity! You’ll love it as Santa’s train, using traditional green and red frosting for its cheery messages. Make the train for any holiday—just change your color scheme and the messages to fit the holiday. Melted candy coating can be placed in...
Bachelor Michael O’Shea bought a house for his four-legged love. Then he married Virginia Mayo who moved in and finally managed to put everything, including the horse; in its place....
Acclaimed former rally driver and engineer Donald Healey became a car manufacturer in his own right in 1946. He wanted to build a high-performance, inexpensive sports car, and achieved that with the Healey 100. Launched at the London Motor Show in 1952, the two-seater roadster...
It’s fun to populate your village with gingerbread people—trees or other accessory pieces. If using cutters less than 2 inches—check cookies a few minutes before minimum time....
Performance had always been the preserve of open roadsters, but by the 1960s sports saloons were gaining ground. This inroad was fuelled by car-makers such as Ford and BMC turning out tuned versions of their family cars that made a good base for a circuit...