“What! Getting married? Golly no, on the level. If you believe everything you read I’m going with every boy in town. You’re just kidding? Well, thank goodness!”...
She fights with her director. She dreads marrying one man “because I’d be so unhappy to give up the other four.” She’s Joanne Woodward, the hottest new actress in town...
Editor’s Note: George Nader’s father has always turned down requests for stories about his son. George explains, “My parents have no desire to capitalize on my Hollywood connections. They’ve developed a great interest in my work, but they’d be just as happy if I became...
From Paris, it is a half-hour drive to Rochers, the Jean Pierre Aumonts’ splendid, forest-encircled villa in the suburb Malmaison. The last time I had seen Marisa was in California, before her marriage, and I was delighted to accept for Photoplay Marisa’s invitation to visit...
“The last time Sal came home from Hollywood,” says his mother, “we noticed that there’s something new about the way he talks, the way he acts, even the way he thinks!”...
I wouldn’t believe it was Natalie Wood if I saw Natalie Wood alone in a restaurant or at the movies. . . . Frank Sinatra should record an album of torch ballads and call it “Songs For Losers Only.” . . . As Sinatra says:...