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First picture of Deborah Kerr and her husband-to-be, Peter Viertel...

That’s Hollywood For You!

I wonder who Kim Novak thinks she is. She is different people at different times, but I admit I like most of the Kim Novaks I’ve met. . . . Marilyn Monroe, more than any train, plane or boat, makes news when she is on...

Go Out To A Movie

The Fugitive Kind—Three high-powered personalities—Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani and Joanne Woodward (pictured above)—go into high gear, with the result you feel as if you’ve been crashed into the middle of a nightmare. ...

Why A Guy Wants to Stay Single?

Stephen Boyd walked into the crowded 20th Century-Fox commissary recently, and despite the general noonday luncheon confusion, there was hardly a female head that that didn’t turn toward his direction. Standing over six feet tall and weighing a husky one hundred and sixty-five pounds, he...