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Guys and Their Dolls: Elizabeth Taylor signed a new contract with M-G-M, as we predicted months ago. And now they have Michael Wilding’s name on the dotted line, too, so everybody’s happy . . . Aldo Ray hasn’t dated a single Hollywood glamour doll (they’re furious too!) and for a very good reason. He isn’t yet divorced from the girl he married several years ago in his own home town, Crockett, California . . . Oskar Werner, the handsome German star of “Decision Before Dawn” fame, arrived in Hollywood and disappointed local gals. They discovered he’s one “Oskar” they can’t win. He’s married.

Man of Distinction: Cal always searches for Burt Lancaster items because they’re unusual and different. This one, kiddies, is no exception! Burt, we hear, wanted to buy a popular make car. The agency who distributes them offered him their higher priced car and agreed to give, him a new one every year for five years. Because they were so anxious to have Burt seen driving it, they even offered Mrs. Lancaster a new station wagon every year for the next three years! So help us, our friend Burt, who believes we pay the most for the things we get for nothing, answered with a big fat—NO!

Studio Scuttlebutt: Her friends may adore Gloria Swanson. but it ain’t healthy to mention her name out Republic Studio way where “Three for Bedroom C” was filmed. So the story goes, glorious Gloria was a real life “Norma Desmond” and her deportment reeked of silent-day histrionics . . . ’Tis whispered that Olivia de Havilland wasn’t a bit pleased that Twentieth Century-Fox solicited her infallible acting talent after it was impossible to get Vivien Leigh for “My Cousin Rachel” . . . It’s a double celebration for Jeffrey Hunter’s Barbara Rush who starts a wonderful M-G-M contract after their baby is born.

Fabulous Fellow: Jimmy Stewart is fascinating Hollywood with stories about David Marshall Williams, who now refers to himself as “Carbine Williams” since Jimmy portrayed him in a picture of that title, based on his life story. Before he was granted a full pardon, “Carbine” served eight years of a thirty-year sentence for second- degree murder in a North Carolina penitentiary. Today, as a famous gun designer, he is fabulously wealthy. “The real ‘Carbine,’ ” says Jimmy with a twinkle, “has red hair, long sideburns, wears a huge Stetson, an encrusted gold belt buckle and ruby cufflinks that would choke a horse. Once while walking down Fifth Avenue, he saw a diamond ring in a window, walked in, peeled off forty-four $1,000 bills. The clerk fainted!” After the picture the real “Carbine,” who was a sort of technical adviser, gifted “Carbine Stewart” with a solid gold horseshoe money clip. “You-all have it engraved,” he told Jim. “Just put on anything you think I’d say!”

Famous First Words: Fred Allen has a new parrot that sobs when it sings. “Scrape the feathers off,” cracks Mr. Vinegar Puss, “and you’ve got another Johnny Ray” . . . The whole M-G-M lot was convulsed the day Carleton Carpenter finished six weeks of working with a lion in “Fearless Fagan.” To the bigwigs in the front office, the string-bean star wistfully inquired: “If I’m real good in the picture—now can I act with people?”

Hearts A-flame: Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas disappointing salesmen in Ruser’s jewelry store. They were looking for—cufflinks! . . . Robert Taylor with Diane Garrett at the Cocoanut Grove one night, at Judy Garland’s opening with beautiful Ursula Thiess, the next . . . Jane Wyman at the Beverly Tropics with Travis Kleefeld, acting more engaged than the engaged couple they used to be . . . Carleton Carpenter and Barbara Ruick holding hands in the Hollywood Bowl two weeks before the music season officially opened!

Hearts A-cooling: Scott Brady forgetting Dorothy Malone (at least for one evening) by showing the town and vice versa, to M-G-M’s beautiful Elaine Stewart . . . Ann Blyth pooh-poohing those overzealous press agent reports that she’s engaged to Maureen O’Hara’s brother. They’re friends, but not very close ones . . . Steve Cochran, that mighty warrior who doesn’t discourage easily, still trying to get Marilyn Monroe to answer his frequent telephone calls!

Peeks at Production: Someone sent a broken-down violin to Van Johnson (he suspects Jack Benny! ) when he grew long hair for “Plymouth Adventure” . . . No one recognizes David Wayne these days. The versatile actor is now a curly-headed brunette for his role of Sol Hurok in “Tonight We Sing” . . . They’re shooting Technicolor scenes on “Hans Christian Andersen” one day, retaking ’em the next because producer Sam Goldwyn is a perfectionist. Incidentally. Farley Granger plays his smallest role to date in this one . . . As a burlesque queen in “Stars and Stripes Forever,” Debra Paget makes her best ’’showing” since she’s been in pictures . . . Shelley Winters behaved like an angel when U-I loaned her for “Letter to the President.” Husband Vittorio Gassman is under contract to M-G-M and our Shel would like nothing better than to work permanently for Leo the Lion.

Junior Critics: Cal caught up with Alma Day, who is Doris Day’s sweet mother. In the lobby of Warner Brothers’ Hollywood Theatre following the preview of “The Winning Team,” Mama Day was ecstatic. “Wasn’t Doris wonderful!” she sighed. “Of course I’m her mother and shouldn’t say it. Oh, look who came with me to see the picture!” We looked, but Doris’s son Terry, who was supposed to be at his grandmother’s side—wasn’t. He was over at the curb spitting out his bubble gum. “How did you like the picture?” Cal queried when operation bubble gum was completed. “It was keen,” he exclaimed, then turning to Mama Day, eagerly added: “Nana, please can we come back again and see Abbott and Costello in ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’?” Those double features will do it every time!

For Your Information: Ava Gardner, who was practically the only remaining star without a poodle cut, finally gave in because the man she loves—loves it that way . . . Arlene Dahl and Lex Barker are an unpredictable pair, but the announcement of their separation came as no surprise to Hollywood, for their quarrels have been many . . . why or at whose request we don’t know, but Doris Day’s husband in all copy is now referred to as “Martin” instead of “Marty” Melcher . . . Vittorio Gassman didn’t teach Shelley Winters how to cook spaghetti in vain. She merely crowded thirty-five people into her small apartment, cooked and served a meal that would have made all Italy proud of her!

Love and Hisses: By this time everyone knows the going got a bit rough during the shooting of “Sudden Fear.” According to printed reports, Joan Crawford’s leading man Jack Palance and director David Miller didn’t exactly form a mutual admiration society. One amusing highlight remains unrevealed until now. It seems that Palance, who had never done movie love scenes before, made love to Joan—for real! That is, he kissed Joan with the same intensity a guy might kiss his wife or his gal. With the gorgeous, glamorous Crawford on the receiving end, wouldn’t you? The point is, the scene would never pass censorship with the Breen office, so they had to keep re-kissing and retaking until on film it looked good!

Lost Laughs: Twenty years ago the kids back in Cedarville used to laugh at Eleanor Parker’s skinny legs. Recently the boys in Korea selected her as “the girl whose legs we like most to look at” . . . Once upon a time a Hollywood agent told Jane Powell she was too sweet to be a success in pictures. Casting directors today refer to certain roles as “a Jane Powell type” . . . Dale Robertson once lost a contract at a certain studio, because he refused to lose his Oklahoma accent. Recently the same studio offered a fantastic sum to borrow Dale because, “his accent is perfect for the part” . . . Although his father was a tailor, Tony Curtis could never afford a tailor-made suit until he became a Hollywood star. Now a local firm makes his suits gratis, because Tony hoy is such a good advertisement!

Solid Citizen: Alan Ladd never ceases to amaze Cal. His contract is fabulous at Warners, he has the redecorated Bette Davis dressing-room suite with his secretaries occupying the second floor, the entire lot is devoted to him. We watched Alan do his first scene in “The Iron Mistress” and, so help us, you’d never dream he’d faced the camera for eleven years at Paramount. “This morning Alan told me his stomach was filled with butterflies,” a wardrobe man whispered. Later we asked him how it felt being back on the lot where he once worked as a grip. “It’s better to drive in than punch in,” he said gratefully. Isn’t it nice when it happens to a guy who deserves it?

Hollywood Rainbow: Judy Garland came “home” and Cal, like the thousands who witnessed the triumphant first night in the Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium, wept unashamed. Outside and inside, the scene was awe-inspiring. Tickets reportedly sold for one hundred dollars a pair, and Hollywood stars fought to buy them. Fans lined the street ten deep. The nostalgia Judy pours into her songs would turn a stone to tears. She kidded about her weight, she kicked off the shoes that were “killing her feet,” she dug vaudeville right out of its twenty-year-old grave and turned it into a glorious reincarnation. The following night Cal sat next to Judy ax the Beachcombers. She was dining with the Van Johnsons and a party of friends. Suddenly she looked at her watch, hurriedly rose to her feet as she exclaimed: “I’m having such a good time I almost forgot I’ve got a show to do!”

Mr. Big: Cal’s got news for producers! These days when stars are sent out to plug their pictures, the hottest actor with live audiences is Howard Duff. Recently he went out with a group to make personal appearances. Everyone received a cordial welcome until Senor Spade walked out on the stage. Then there was almost a riot! This happened in theatres all over the country and the ironic part is, Howard doesn’t even belong to a major studio. Nothing bothers him these days, however. Little Bridget Duff, weighing in at four pounds, was born prematurely. Howard and Ida Lupino are much more thrilled with her than the best contract in Hollywood.

Star Struck: Cal practically disrupted the studio the day he took Shirley Booth to Twentieth Century-Fox for lunch. To Leif Erikson and Casey Adams, Anne Baxter revealed she was fired from her first play, which was when her friendship with Shirley began. It was Cary Grant who amazed us. This super-sophisticate was practically speechless. “How can you pay someone a compliment,” he said to Shirley, “when you admire her as much as I admire you?” She grinned as she answered. “I’m sure I don’t know. That’s why at this late date I can’t tell you how much you and Ethel Barrymore thrilled me in ‘None but the Lonely Heart’.” Cal never ceases to be thrilled over the simplicity of Shirley Booth.

Happy Hips Dept.: Hollywood has gone Hawaiian! The John Waynes returned from a second honeymoon on the isle, bearing Moo-Moos and whatnots for friends. John plays a return engagement on the Beach at Waikiki, when he makes “Jim McClain” with Nancy Olson who honeymooned there herself . . . Ann Blyth, who took time out from a needed vacation in Honolulu to appear with Bob Hope for the hospitalized Vets, postcards Dick Clayton she’s learning to dance the Hula sitting down (doesn’t everyone?) . . . Now that Jane Wyman’s broken her engagement to Travis Kleefeld (they’re still good friends), she’s canceled her trip to Europe and is heading for the land of fish and poi . . . On the other hand, says Eve Arden: “I’ve got my own little grass shack right off Hollywood Boulevard.”

Famished Female: Those weight-watching glamour gals could kill Susan Hayward in cold blood- figuratively speaking, that is. The riding high, wide and handsome redhead returned from a New York whirl recently. In one evening she had dinner at the Stork Club, an extra hot strawberries-over-ice-cream dessert at Twenty One and at midnight, chop suey at El Morocco! Susie girl didn’t gain a single ounce. “The USO Camp Shows gave a lunch at the Waldorf for Jane Froman,” the “Jane Froman” of the screen told us. “No one told me I had to talk and when they called on me to get up and say something I shook like a falling leaf.” Not too many years ago Susan Hayward used to go to the Waldorf—but only to use the phone in the lobby! Isn’t Hollywood wonderful?

Animal Crackers: Anyone got a female raccoon that’s interested in matrimony? Marlon Brando thinks it’s high time that “Russell,” his pet raccoon, settles down and raises a family . . . It can happen here. Now “Francis” will receive a daily henna rinse when the famous mule debuts in Technicolor . . . Hollywood dinner invitations for young John Barrymore automatically include his pet South American kinkajou . . . On his birthday recently, Hugh O’Brian received a white guinea pig from Ann Sheridan. What Cal wants to know is—with only one, how can Hughie boy learn his multiplication tables!

Ugly Pills: Half the hams in Hollywood would give their best hair piece to look like John Derek. Paradoxically, he continues to retain his antipathy toward the slightest reference to his fabulous face. According to his intimates, John is working toward one goal. He’s practically counting the days until such time as he can become a director and never have to be photographed again. In the meantime, the same intimates feel a bit of applied humor might be the answer to John’s personal predicament. The sincere, serious-thinking fellow worries so much over his responsibilities.

News, All Kinds: Good news for Jane Russell, who’s ironed out all the red tape and finally gets to adopt the little boy she brought back from England last November .. . Bad news for Danny Kaye, who was too late trying to reach the bedside of his late father who worshipped David Kaminsky (Danny’s right name) . . . Glad news for the Rory Calhouns, who’ve been waiting patiently to put out the welcome mat for that long- legged bird . . . Sad news for Mona Freeman, who lost little time in filing a divorce complaint against Pat Nerney, following their separation after six years of marriage . . . Shocking news for Mala Powers, who was rushed to the hospital with a serious blood disorder she contracted when entertaining troops in Korea . . . Encouraging news (to all the single gals of Hollywood) that Lady Sylvia divorced Clark Gable without that threatened mud-slinging . . . Compromising news for Joan Fontaine, who could take her adopted daughter to Madrid, but had to leave daughter Deborah with her father, producer William Dozier, who didn’t want her taken out of this country . . . Thrilling news for Jean Pierre Aumont that he may realize his lifetime ambition to make a movie based on the heroic blind Frenchman Louis Braille, who enabled the blind to read through their sense of touch . . . Trying news for the Keenan Wynns, who aren’t enjoying a trial separation . . . Blessed news for the Ricardo Montalbans, who wanted their fourth to be a hoy and had their prayers answered.

Growing Pains: Hollywood cameramen (who have seen ’em come and go) report that cute little Debbie Reynolds is be#ginning to get a hit bored when they ask her to pose. She’s still so new her make-up isn’t dried behind her ears. Her success has happened fast and without too much struggle. Debbie’s probably going through a phase, as so many in her spot have. All this and a be-e-eg crush on Robert Wagner, too! Cal believes there’s nothing wrong with the adored and adorable Miss Reynolds that a bit more experience and maturity won’t remedy.

Its True That: The biggest laugh in the Gig Young household is a local columnist’s reference to their May-December marriage. There’s exactly two years’ difference and we only wish every Hollywood couple could be as happy . . . Errol Flynn not only bought that old hotel in Jamaica and remodeled it (wifey Pat Wymore’s building right next door), Mr. What-a-man is also putting up a building in Apple Valley and calling it—Flynn’s Inn! . . . Hollywood skeptics are of the opinion that Linda Christian’s return to the screen (she wasn’t very popular with the crew) indicates a pronounced boredom with everything that’s Hollywood—including her marriage to Tyrone Power . . . Dan Dailey says so far he’s managed to escape having ulcers and nothing in Hollywood is important enough to be pressured into doing. Danny boy—you said it!

Mr. Lucky: Life for Lanza, and we do mean Mario, is a great big bowl of sun shine these days. They sneak-previewed “Because You’re Mine” and the enthusiastic audience practically tore up the seats. At long last when he makes “The Student Prince,” that haunting Romberg music will be sung as it has never been sung before in the movies. The Lanzas had an anniversary recently, their seventh. Because they were married on Friday the 13th, they gave a party on the 13th day of the month. Mario presented his adored Betty with a necklace designed around two solid gold numerals. Number 13—natch! Eager to share his blessings. Mario also presented his parents with a new home on the Pacific Palisades. How big can a heart be?

On the Town: John Barrymore Jr. throwing a welcome home party for Pier Angeli, who was in Munich making a movie with Gene Kelly . . . Richard Egan returning from the same city for the same reason, and catching up on his steak and potatoes with Ann Sothern at Scandia . . . Actor-owner Harry Lewis of Hamburger Hamlet, celebrating the birth of his first son by holding “Open-Hamlet” for the Jeff Chandlers, the Gig Youngs, and the Humphrey Bogarts . . . Sun-tanned and sexy, Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas baiting the poor fish at Sportsman’s Lodge—as well as the cash customers!