People who think of show business as the height of worldly temptation often ask that question. Many times, Pat Boone has asked it of himself. This is his answer . . . ...
To Marilyn marriage means candlelight on bridge tables, planning budgets and dreaming of babies. It means all the things a woman knows who has grown wise through loneliness....
To mark that day, two years ago, when James Dean died, Photoplay pays tribute with the stories of two girls who knew him—one unknown, the other a star....
Well here we are—the veddy British-type Mr. and Mrs. Tony Curtis, happily ensconced in the penthouse of London’s Dorchester Hotel, drinking tea, saying “bobby” as glibly as the natives and rubbernecking our way through Trafalgar Square. In other words, we’re having a ball!
Remember that mad...
Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...
Hollywood experts spotted these new faces in a single movie, a single scene. Could you pick them as star material? Can you name the films and the players?...
No talent scout tapped him on the shoulder. No studio has ever given him any kind of buildup. Now it can be told—the amazing story of the way only fate, the fans and Photoplay turned an unknown boy named Carmen Orrico into sensational John Saxon....