For the dough: 1 cup + 3 tbsp (150 g) flour, ¼ cup + 2½ tsp (60 g) sugar, 2 tsp (8 g) vanilla sugar, 1 egg, ¼ cup (60 g) butter
For the couverture: 1/3 cup + 2 tbsp (100 g) butter, ½ cup (100...
One murky California midnight a twenty-six-foot sloop nosed out past the jagged rocks of San Pedro’s harbor and into a boiling sea. At the helm a rangy, square-cut sailor gripped the spokes and braced himself for what he was seeking—a scrap with the elements.
Ground swells...
“I’d sooner die than imitate other people . . . That’s why we had to work so hard, because we didn’t imitate.”
The 1970s was as turbulent for the car industry as it was for society and the world economy at...
Although Dodge was already well-established as a manufacturer of cars and trucks, it was its record-breaking achievements on the Bonneville Salt Flats in the 1950s that really got America sitting up and taking notice. Beneath a scorching sun the company smashed no fewer than 196...
January 5, 1950 Shooting of The Fireball, in which she plays Polly, a roller-skating groupie, begins.
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Publicity still for The Asphalt Jungle, 1950, probably photographed by Frank Powolny. The Asphalt Jungle, directed by John Huston, piqued the curiosity of...
Sweethearts in Sweaters
Who made us love the sweater? Hollywood sweater-girls! What’s fashion’s newest love? The sweater-look—brand-new knitted clothes. On Valentine’s Day and every date, be his sweetheart in a love of a sweater-fashion!
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LONG-STEMMED roses for a...
Donald O’Connor is Hollywood’s bounciest, busiest—and most broken-hearted—guy. With the whole world on a string, all he wants is the peace he’s never really had....
Greeting The Season
Get into a party mood with Deborah Kerr. And enter our contest to win he party wardrobe: Judy Nell coat; MacArthur skirt, blouse; Town & Country shoes, bag; Dawnelle gloves.
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Christmas Is A Party
Off with...