Bungalow Big Enough For Two—Tony Curtis & Janet Leigh 23 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin The old apartment was fine for parties, hut now home is casual. Janet and Tony can kick off their shoes and say, “Our very own!”...
Elizabeth Taylor And Michael Wilding: Everything’s Okay! 23 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Rumor says the Wildings are no lo nger happy. Rumor says there may be a divorce. Rumor says so—but the Wildings don’t!...
Dutch Treat—Audrey Hepburn 23 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin From Europe’s Netherlands to Hollywood’s Never-Never Land comes a pixie queen, a stately sprite, a shy cosmopolitan—Audrey Hepburn!...
Why Hollywood Is Sore At Eddie Fisher? 22 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin To millions of teen-agers, Eddie’s the most. But in filmland he almost become persona now grata—in other words: The last!...
Lex Barker: “I Didn’t Marry An Angel” 22 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin When love is blind, lovers get hurt. But Lana and Lex have their eyes wide open—and they love what they see!...
“I Loved And Lost” Says Jane Powell 22 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin All Hollywood wants to know what happened to Jane and Gene. Here at last is Jane’s answer—in one of the frankest interviews ever given....
Through With Love?—Jane Wyman 22 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin More than a marriage may be over for Jane this time. How often can a loser pick up the pieces and start all over again?...
Louella Parsons’ Good News 21 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Shelley vs. Vittorio . . . June Haver finds Fred MacMurray . . . Dale Robertsons split...
The Only Complete Story Of Marilyn Monroe’s Honeymoon 21 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin The first 24 hours were joyful bedlam for Marilyn and Joe—their honeymoon began in a motel by a roaring turnpike . . In San Francisco the newlyweds hid in Joe’s home—here photographed for the first time!...
Roy Rogers’s Ranch 21 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Roy’s “wide open spaces” are overrun with children and animals, which is just the way he likes it....