Anita Ekberg should be more famous than she is . . . Okay, so Kirk Douglas is a Viking! . . . Venetia Stevenson loves her horse as much as that boy loves “Lassie.” . . . I’ll bet movie execs wish they could buy...
A brilliant student at Harvard, John Kerr was studying to be a teacher when fate and a certain co-ed conspired to lure him away from the paths of learning...
Well, here he is. Here is TV’s fair-haired boy George Gobel, one of the freshest personalities to reach show business in many a long year. And here’s an enchanting Paramount movie called “The Birds and the Bees,” with music, VistaVision, Technicolor and Mitzi Gaynor to...
“I didn’t know I had that effect on women,” Jack grinned. And Cynthia didn’t know that two bottles of vinegar would launch them on the maddest, merriest marriage in Hollywood!...