Tony and Janet’s antics keep everybody talking . . . and guessing. Don’t let their loud screams of discord fool you. These two are just looney with love...
The big news about Shelley isn’t that she’s going to have a baby . . . but how it’s made a new person out of her. She’s soft-spoken and dreamy-eyed now...
Because of his fame Elvis Presley wasn’t able to lead a simple life. He could never walk down the street, unless he wanted to cause a riot. To be seen in a restaurant or nightclub was unheard of....
For 15 years she’s loved lavishly and taken heartbreak with a smile. In this intimate story Lana reveals what she’s learned and what she’s going to do about it....
Party Of The Month: Jimmy McHugh’s “Welcome Back” for Louella Parsons. Everybody was there! . . . Judy Garland promises not to diet . . . Jose Ferrer sings “Come On A My House” to Rosemary . . ....