That’s Hollywood For You
ROSEMARY CLOONEY plays in an unbelievable tv sketch and I believe her . . . What I don’t understand is why Debra Paget’s mother trots all over the studio with Debra but is never at the studio with younger daughter . . . My favorite current male singer is Eddie Fisher, but I’m just a member of a large army. Fisher should be making a movie . . . I’m still, and always will be, loyal to Bing Crosby. The greatest. Guess I’ll never tire of hearing Bing sing “Down the Old Ox Road.”

Grace Kelly should do a p.a. tour, so she’d be as popular with the fans as she is with her leading men. Grace has the personal touch . . . James Mason likes Hollywood now almost as much as he likes money. “I became an actor because I didn’t know an easier and nicer way to make money,” admits James . . . When I’m asked how long do I think Marilyn Monroe will be popular, my answer is: “Marilyn’s popularity will continue until men go out of style.” . . . Tom Jenks’ conclusion about a popular actor: “He’s put his foot into everything, except Grauman’s Chinese.”

I would like to see a television broad- cast of the Academy Oscars good enough to win an Emmy . . . I think Jerry Wald is playing it real cool by giving Sheree North a good role in the next Judy Holliday movie. If handled properly, Sheree could make stardom . . . Robert Wagner likes girls who are sincere and without artifice. While playing gin Bob told me: “I can’t stand gals who are amateur psychologists and start telling me all about myself.” . . . They should restrict the singing of “No Business Like Show Business,” or people are apt to be weary of it by the time the picture is playing . . . Wish I could tell you one of the reasons Terry Moore goes to Terry Hunt’s gym, but I can’t. Please—don’t insist. I can’t!

Zsa Zsa Gabor doesn’t send me, not even an inch. However, it was Zsa Zsa that I overheard saying to Janet Leigh: “I don’t like to repeat gossip, honey, but what else can you do with it?”
Elizabeth Taylor is getting prettier than—well, than Elizabeth Taylor . . . Donna Reed takes a bubble bath occasionally but prefers a shower to a tub. “It’s like walking in the rain.” . . . I admit I don’t understand the success of Liberace . . . My favorite character, Mike Curtiz, is getting competition from Joe Pasternak, who told Gene Kelly he ought to dress better. “You’re always running around in an old pair of Gunga Dins.”
I’ll make a bet right now that George Stevens’ “Giant” will be a great picture. He hasn’t learned how to make a bad one . . . I want to say Arlene Dahl’s classmates knew what they were doing. Back in high school they voted Arlene “Most Likely to Succeed.” . . . And don’t forget that in Hollywood a person who says he hopes to see the light—means spell out his name on a marquee. That’s Hollywood For You.