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You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Love in Bloom: An enchanting ice skater on tour in Europe is the reason behind Tab Hunter’s impulsive dash across the Atlantic. Just before he left Hollywood, however, he dated a young beauty named Margaret O’Brien. Yup, she’s the one and only, now eighteen and old enough to have quite a crush on handsome Tab. . . . While Tab and Lori Nelson remain good friends, she only has eyes for Bob Francis these days. Lori’s agent, former actor Dick Clayton, introduced them and that’s why it was so easy for Bob to get Lori’s phone number the following morning! . . . And while we’re still with Lori, she asked Debbie Reynolds to “chaperone” her to the underwater premiere of “Underwater” in Florida. Then Eddie Fisher wanted to see his best girl in New York, so he treated Lori to the trip and she “chaperoned” Debbie to the big city, where they toured like tourists. A good time was had by all of them.

Little Women: When she rocked Hollywood by forming her own “Marilyn Monroe Productions, Inc.,” the former calendar cutie also notified her agents she was dispensing with their services. The same week the same agency also received a letter of dismissal from Terry Moore. Having just succeeded in renewing her contract at 20th for a reported $1000 a week, they bewilderedly called Terry and wanted to know why.

“Because,” she floored them, “my astrologer told me it was a good time to make a change!” No more questions were asked!

According to Cal: Close friends of Edmund Purdom insist he’s a charming chap whose unorthodox behavior is the direct result of strong influence and wrong advice. As everyone knows, Edmund’s heart rules his head where Linda Christian is concerned. She was bored by Hollywood long before she separated from Tyrone Power and she’s always yearned to be a great star. So add up the score! What with Linda transferring her own frustrations, it’s highly possible that Edmund becomes his own worst enemy!

Shooting Stars: Oh, how they love June Allyson at Warner Bros! In the midst of making “The McConnell Story” with Alan Ladd, she walked on the set and there, waiting, was a brand-new de luxe dressing room. It was equipped with everything—including plumbing and a Tv set! . . . And Clark Gable is so happy at 20th making “Soldier of Fortune,” he’s giving magazine interviews for the first time in ten years. . . . Over at Paramount Danny Kaye’s up to his elbows in midgets! The little people on the “Court Jester” set are so devoted to the comedian, he has to watch his step because they follow him everywhere. . . . Rock Hudson is just plain crazy about working with Jane Wyman, this time in “All That Heaven Allows.” But if he has his way, easy-going Rock won’t be making another picture with Anne Baxter. Set witnesses on “One Desire” report Annie was too dominant and aggressive for Rock’s friendly, peace-loving disposition.

In Case You Care: Jeff Chandler never sends out holiday greetings until the 3rd of February. “Makes it more special this way, grins the big fellow. And not so incidentally, Jeff wrote the title songs for his own “Foxfire” and “Six Bridges to Cross.” . . . Jane Russell, Jeff’s co-star in “Foxfire,” finally signed that contract with producer Howard Hughes. For six films to be made in five years, she’ll be paid $1000 a week over a 20-year period. “By that time,” cracks the super-stacked star, “I’ll be ready to play Ma Kettle!” . . . Grace Kelly’s marriage to Oleg Cassini may never take place. But she’s already selected the gown she’ll wear next June when kid sister Lizanne marries former pigskin parader Don Le Vine. . . . Race Gentry sets a sterling example for our younger set. The popular fellow never goes to night clubs, saves half his salary and recently traded in his imported car on an old jalopy, making a down payment on a lot with the money left over for the future.

Stork Club: They really start em out young in Hollywood! For her first birthday, Virginia Mayo’s little Mary Catherine had her party at elegant Romanoff’s in Beverly Hills. . . . Howard Keel, who hopes his third baby will be his first son, changed his mind about naming him. Now Howie wants to call him Gunnar, which is Swedish—and how! . . . That explosive sound emanated from the general direction of Audie Murphy. A rival studio wanted to use James Shannon Murphy in a picture, but Audie has definite plans for his son’s future. Becoming a “ham” isn’t on the agenda!

Switcheroo: Pier Angeli’s mama didn’t go for her beautiful daughter’s romance with Kirk Douglas and there were scenes aplenty. But it’s quite a different story with new son-in-law Vic Damone. Mama cooks his favorite dishes and hopes twin sister Marisa Pavan will be as lucky when she marries… And Jeff Hunter’s mother-in-law is devoted to her son-in-law, too. Even though Barbara Rush is separated from Jeff, her mother talks to him daily and refuses to take sides in their marital melee.

Gifties: If we must ask a silly question—how’d you like to be married to Rory Calhoun? Lita Baron, who is and likes it very much, came home to find a new Cadillac sitting in their driveway. Her handsome husband even had it wrapped in cellophane! . . . Doris Day already owns a Caddy, but she’s slightly hysterical over that new English bicycle Marty Melcher gave her. It’s equipped with a horn which Do-Do says—“sounds like Aldo Ray!” . . . And while we’re cooking with gasoline, Debbie Reynolds informed M-G-M she was dyeing her hair fire-engine red to match that Thunderbird Eddie Fisher gave her. The studio was in a state of shock until they discovered it was a Reynolds rib!

Brush Off: Elizabeth Taylor became very restless while she waited for the new baby. So Michael Wilding brought home oil paints and brushes to get her interested in a new hobby. It was a neat trick except—now Mike has to pose for Liz, too! . . . And Rock Hudson may (or may not!) become a second Rembrandt. Twice a week he rushes home where a group gathers and they all paint with a passion. Craig Hill started out with a still life of an apple. But ambitious Rock is merely painting a portrait of Pope Pius XII!

Great Expectations: One night Bill Holden picked up a novel called “A Many Splendored Thing.” He couldn’t put it down and then he was up at dawn cabling Audrey Hepburn about the great story. Audrey read the book and cabled back that she’d love to make it into a picture with Bill. Both are at Paramount, so the excited actor bombarded the studio to buy it. Alas, somebody goofed and 20th snatched up the coveted property. Bill’s being borrowed, but Jennifer Jones gets the role disappointed Audrey wanted so badly.

Rags to Riches: Typical of the town, when James Dean made his smash success in “East of Eden,” his personal publicists announced he had bought himself a Cadillac and leased a swanky Sunset Strip apartment. The truth is, Jimmy still rides a motorcycle and he’s living in an inexpensive little apartment over a private garage. . . . And bombastic blond Kim Novak, who became a star when she quietly stole “Phffft” from Judy Holliday, is still living at the Studio Club for girls only. A prominent furrier offered to sell Kim a mink coat on the cheerful credit plan, but the wise little woman preferred to invest her money in dramatic lessons. Ambitious starlets please note!

Foreign Intrigue: Now that Gregory Peck’s divorced, the European press refers to Veronique Passani as his fiancee.. But Greg refuses to admit it, even when the handsome couple spent the weekend sightseeing in Madrid. . . . Audrey Hepburn told the London press she wants a baby, “the sooner the better.” And from an inside source, little Audrey’s business associates wish Mel Ferrer wouldn’t be quite so “interested” in his wife’s career.

Sweet Note: Guess who’s dying to make a musical? Our good friend Alan Ladd, no less. And did you know he’s so gone on pop music, Laddie takes a portable phonograph with him. . . . And it had to happen to Piper Laurie. Since singing three songs in “Ain’t Misbehavin’ ” she’s so bitten by the be-bop bug, ‘she’s readying an act for Las Vegas. “There’s just one tiny little hitch,” laughs the redhead, “they haven’t asked me yet!”