What’s Going On Here?
The Saturday evening was off-limits to girls. “All barred,” the word went out. It was strictly male company, male talk, male food, which meant there was lots of it! The assembled guys were the Everly Brothers, Bob Conrad, Chad York, Bill Ewing, Gary Vinson, Gary Conway, Jack Horger, Steve Bernhardt, Sandy Kevin and Snuff Garrett. What were Phil and Don Everly listening to so intently that evening?

“Love, well, what does that dictionary say, anyway?”
“Ah, who wants a middle-of-the-road-safe-way-out business,” someone yelled. “How can you define feelings? A guy just has a need to he loved . . .”
“Well, so does a girl,” someone cut in.
“Yeah, but what makes a guy fall is not the same . . .”

Someone else laughed . . . “Like sex . . . Instead, girls, they fall for a future—home, lace curtains and babies.”
“Here it is,” cried a die-hard. “Webster says, ‘Love is a feeling of strong personal attachment induced by sympathetic understand . . .’ ”
“. . . like how much a guy makes,” a voice cut in.
“Go on, finish the definitions.”

“. . . sympathetic understanding . . . lender and passionate affection . . .”
“That’s no good. I know how love feels, but what is it?”
“What’s so important about defining it anyway? When it hits you, you’ll know.”
“Yeah, but how can you make it stay, man, if you don’t know what it is?”

“If you ask me, love’s a lot of compromises . . . Don’t do this; don’t do that. Call for me at two. Remember, shopping on Saturday afternoon.”
“Yeah, girls become possessive—too possessive. Trouble is they think too much about being loved. They don’t even know how to love . . .”
“That’s right. If girls could only remember that with love two people become one, yet they gotta remain two . . .”
And with that, the subject ended and went on to the fellows’ favorite subject—sports cars!