“I’ve Got A Secret!”
Jan takes even more pains than most Hollywood stars to keep looking her best. Yet her extremely unglamorous role in The High and The Mighty, in which she wiped off her make-up before the cameras, and her equally unattractive part in her latest film, Women’s Prison failed to frighten her. Her secret: “I remembered that the most important person in my world—my husband—often sees me at my worst. If he can forgive this face, I can show it to the rest of the world!”
As a young star, Linda was nervous, chewed her fingernails, forgot errands, needed to relax but didn’t know how. Then she found a way. Her secret: “Music. I keep my radio or recorder going practically 24 hours a day, I eat to music, drive to music, study scripts to music (her latest is This Is My Love) and even sleep to music all night. My friends sometimes jokingly refer me to their favorite psychiatrists, but I find music—from swing to symphony—a great relaxer.” (This, by the way, is the secret of many famous people: find something that always relaxes you—whether it’s music, murder mysteries or finger painting—and turn to it when necessary.)
Donna wanted to go to college. To support herself, she took the first job offered at the first price that was suggested—washing dishes for meals and a dollar a week. Too late she learned that the regular salary was $10 a month. Now she’s a high-priced, high-rated star in The Last Time I Saw Paris. Her secret: “Take your time, investigate, don’t make a decision until you know the facts. And most important, don’t underrate or overrate yourself . . . know your own value and stick to it at all times.”
Marilyn knows that her primary appeal is her sexy beauty. Her secret: “Variety. For example, I change my hair color for almost every film. Honey, champagne, amber. Now silver blonde for Show Business. I experiment with different shades of lipstick often too. A woman can’t really change her face, of course, but subtle coloring can make an interesting difference.”
In Ten Commandments Anne wears ornate toe-rings, popular in Biblical times. On impulse she ordered a few for her personal wardrobe—and she’ll wear them! Then just watch her start a new fad! Her secret: “Do at least a few of the things that really seem fun. Nobody should be afraid to have fun . . . even if it’s silly.”
In her high school days, Virginia never dated, was so shy that others thought her aloof and snobbish. Now starring in The Silver Chalice, Virginia is poised and charming. Her secret: “I learned that people are basically kind. When they didn’t seem friendly it was usually something in me that was pushing them off.”
Starring in Love Is A Weapon, Mary is a conversational acrobat. She can discuss philosophy—then switch in a second to baseball! Her secret: “I’ve found that men can’t bear a girl who takes over the conversation, but they like her to hold her own.”
Jean’s wardrobe is a trademark, Her secret: “I’m an extremist. I love really elegant gowns for evening, rather bare and of lovely, fine fabrics. But I prefer jeans and shirts for everything else—whenever I can get away with them!” Jean’s in Desirée.
Like every popular star, June has critics. Unlike most, she isn’t bothered by being called a “professional sweetheart with a knack for nasty niceness.” She just grins and admits that no one is perfect. Her secret: She pokes fun at trouble. She has organized “The Allyson Obnoxious Club” and includes among the other revolting members Dick Powell and Jim Stewart.
Mitzi has a new look—you’ll see it in There’s No Business Like Show Business. It’s a combination of beauty, grace, sincerity—and sophistication, carried just far enough. Knowing where to stop took a lot of thought, planning and effort. Her secret: “Sophistication is wonderful if you really understand yourself. But don’t forsake your own personality by trying to be someone else. Be yourself. It’s the starting point for all real self-improvement.