What Makes Scents To A Man?

“I’m always drawn to the girl who stands out in a crowd. She might be the most beautiful one there, or the best-dressed, or have the most fashionable hairdo. But if she’s a knockout, she’s appealing to me. Unfortunately, many girls spoil the illusion they are trying to create by being affected. A real sophisticate is so poised she wouldn’t dream of ever speaking with a phony accent or waving her little finger in the air.”
Cary is right—true sophisticates don’t put on airs, but they DO put on perfume. Some current favorites are—Magie (Lancome), Joy (Jean Patou), wonderful Arpege (Lanvin).

“The girl who interests me is the one who has interests of her own and can discuss a wide range of subjects intelligently. For example, I had a date with a gal who studied psychology. What she had to say was so absorbing I never thought to look at my watch until after one in the morning. Contrast that with a girl who can only make small talk and gossip. You can hardly sit still through that endless dinner.”
Be doubly smart with a guy like Troy who goes for brainy types. Let brilliant scents like L’Aimant (Coty), L’Heure Bleue (Guerlain), or Occur (Avon) do the smart talking for you.

“I like an old-fashioned girl; who doesn’t go for weird lipsticks or teased hair, and who doesn’t try out for an Academy Award on every date. girls don’t realize how sally they are ‘oohing’ over every word a man says. I remember a girl who went gaga at my jokes and fussed over a splinter in my finger as if I had had a heart attack. It’s not that I minded the attention, it’s just that I found myself asking, ‘what’s she trying to prove?’ ”
Didn’t old-fashioned girls wear lavender with lace? How about Early Iris (Tussy), Red Lilac (Lentheric) and April Violets (Yardley) for Elvis.

“The first thing i notice about a girl is her shape—even if she’s a mile away. Then I look at her hair (I like long, flowing hair) and the way she’s dressed (ditto one-piece bathing suits and sheath dresses). What’s most important, though, is not all those pretty wrappings but the package inside. For me, a girl should be all female. That means she must not only have a pleasant personality and be intelligent, but she must also be a bit of a tigress.”
Always remember, “Female is as female does.” Fan the flames of romance with Fabian with Primitif (Max Factor), Intimate (Revlon), Tabu (Dana).

“Some girls really kill their chances the minute they open their mouths. They start the evening by describing how many beautiful dresses they saw that day and end up giving you the inside dope on the skeletons in their family closet. Small wonder I’m dying to run the other way. What I like is a date who can keep the conversation two-sided, yet looks as if she knows all about style.”
Laurence is a guy who’ll flip for the subtle, feminine approach. Win his heart with flowers—lots of ’em—blended in perfumes like Devastating (Anjou), Evening in Paris (Bourjois) and Chanel No. 5.

“The girl who’s right for me doesn’t belong to any particular type; she’s a variety of types. As a matter of fact, girls who fit into neat little categories bore me. They’re not human beings: just statistics. Naturally, I’d prefer a girl who looks pretty and is well-dressed, although I couldn’t stand a clothes-horse. More important, though, I’d like someone athletic enough to share in my love of sports and artistic enough to dig good music, films and art.”
You can add plenty of spice to Vince’s “variety” with Persian Wood (Avon), Old Spice (Shulton), Exaltée (Bourjois).

“I’m a sailing man, and my idea of a perfect date is a day at sea, complete with salt spray and strong breezes. But have you any idea what old Mother Nature can do to a bouffant hairdo, half-inch fingernails and mascara? My ears are numb from the wailing I’ve heard lately. Naturally, I like a girl to look as if she just stepped from a fashion magazine, but it’s also reassuring to see her get a bit rumpled.”
Leave the hairspray and makeup on shore—but board Rock’s boat with outdoors-y fragrances such as Straw Hat (Fabergé), Oh La La (Ciro) or Tantalize (Dorothy Gray).

“In my book, vitality is a girl’s greatest asset. If she’s brimming over with enthusiasm about whatever I want to do—even if it means a ‘yes’ to hamburgers when she had her heart set on dinner at the most elegant restaurant in town—she’s a real winner! I like a gal who looks fresh and well-groomed. İt’s not so much a matter of what she wears (except for gaudy jewelry and flashy clothes) but how!”
Give a man like Warren his vitality right between the eyes (in the nose, that is), with zing-y Vis-A-Vis (Rubinstein), Hypnotique (Max Factor), Prophecy (Prince Matchabelli).

“After spending a hard day in front of a hot camera, I look forward to enjoying life’s simple pleasures, like walking along a deserted beach. Some girls think I’m nuts to suggest a date like that. They only want to be wined and dined at the best restaurants in town. What bothers me most, though, is when a girl drags me to a night club so that ail her friends can see us. I just feel like an ornament on her charm bracelet.”
Pretend it’s just coincidence but wear woodsy, mossy fragrances like Toujours Moi (Corday), Tweed (Lentheric) or April Showers (Cheramy) for that romantic walk with Dick.

“l’m most relaxed with a gal who’s feminine from head to toe. She’s thoroughly convinced it’s a privilege to be a woman—and all her actions follow suit. She speaks softly and listens well, instead of using the time for composing her next lines. She never, never calls her date up with that whiny “Why-haven’t-you- called-l’ve-been-waiting-by-the-phone-for-days” voice. A truly feminine woman is so sure of her appeal, her man is, too.”
To men like Glenn, feminine means female! Be alluring with scents like Jungle Gardenia (Tuvaché), Spanish Geranium (Lanvin) or Bellodgia (Caron).
It is a quote. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE MAY 1963