“There is only one good reason, so far as I can see, for telling the story of one’s life—the hope that there may he something in it to give others a belief in themselves and their own good luck. I wish to express my thanks...
Of Spencer Tracy who, when he came to the crossroads, took the uphill road. Here a distinguished writer gives you the story of the man and his struggles....
Meet Me In St. Louis (M-G-M)—A STORY replete with charm, color, coziness of home and family, to say nothing of romance, is this so-different musical all wrapped up around a gay ninety tune hit “Meet Me In St. Louis.”...
On the screen, Barbara Nichols is Clark Gable’s unkissed date. In private life, she’s the girl who fell in love with him, but in a way that Kay understood—and forgave....