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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 248)

The Flintstones—Fred’s Big Splash

It was a lovely summer evening in Bedrock. Fred Flintstone arrived home, looking forward to a relaxing dinner with his family. "Look what I picked up, Wilma," he announced when he came through the door. "A couple of Bronto steaks, two inches thick. Wait until you...

It Really Happened

DEAN MARTIN AND JERRY LEWIS have the reputation onstage and backstage of being the world’s zaniest characters. Having suffered, dodged. cajoled and bribed my way through four pictures with them—“The Stooge,” “Jumping Jacks,” “The Caddy” and “Living It Up”—I wouldn’t dream of questioning the boys’ distinction. ...

Hollywood Party Line

TWO OLD-FASHIONED hoe-downs (one, hillbillyish, one just old-fashioned) were among Movietown’s high spots this month. Both honored Western-type fellers—Guy Madison and John Wayne. An actor has to be an unusually nice guy to have his agent throw an expensive shindig for him; and it was...

That’s Hollywood For You

I’D LOVE to be overhearing what Shelley Winters is saying about Vittorio Gassman these days. But then again, Shelley does say everything for publication . . . Terry Moore has the energy and drive that Betty Hutton is supposed to have . . . I’ll...

This Is The Truth

RUMOR: “Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio planned their wedding for last summer—but the fear of publicity kept them from tying the knot. . . .” FACT: Nothing to it! Marilyn, who has never known security in her life, was afraid of what marriage might do to her...