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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 281)

Don’t Misunderstand Me

When Liz Scott was ten, she wasn’t Liz Scott at all and she lived in Scranton. Now she lives in Hollywood and some people haven’t got her straight yet...

I Learned About Men

Being “The Body”’ was the happy accident of birth. What’s happened after that isn’t accidental at all—By Marie McDonald...

My New Life

That she is a mother is no longer news—what she has to say about it is: My new life. . ....

Thrifty, Nifty—Nice

When Martha Hyer won the lead opposite Rock Hudson in “Battle Hymn” she let out a whoop of joy that could be heard the length of the Universal-International lot. “This must mean the triangle bit is over for me at last,” she said. And actually, while...