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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 209)

Mad Fads

In father’s day, stars lined their pools with mink and rode in jewelled cars. Today, it’s items like these that add spice to the movie scene...

Sweet Stuff—Jean Simmons

Dig this crazy Jean Simmons! Tell her she’s sweet and she calls herself a cat, a giggler, a moody mouse. But confidentially—she’s the most!...

Edmund Purdom—Man On A Tightrope

Today, Edmund Purdom is learning that there is another side to fame and fortune—one that threatens the balance of the man who leaped to success overnight. But he is a very determined man. And the odds are even...

Count Your Blessings

A blind boy’s courage, a welcome from a stranger, a mother’s faith and determination these are the stars’ reasons for being grateful for what they have. What are yours?...

That’s Hollywood For You

I DON’T THINK Marilyn Monroe’s boxoffice will be hurt by anything but bad pictures. You’ll notice I made it plural . . . Ina popularity poll, Marlon Brando and Jeff Hunter pulled up even. . Terry Moore is more dangerous when she’s quiet. It’s like...