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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 35)

A Visit With Jean Simmons and Stewart Granger

Everyone in Hollywood has some method of getting away from it all. Some eat, some drink . . . but some just get up and go! Take Stewart Granger and Jean Simmons. They head south to their own 10,000-acre ranch named Yerba Buena on the...

The House Of Terrified Women—Kathryn Crosby

A few miles away from the big house at 220 N. Layton Drive, Beverly Hills, the beautiful girl sat up in her bed. It was 10:40 o’clock of this mild and lovely Saturday evening, November 7th, 1959. The others, in the rooms flanking hers, in...

Facts About Debbie Reynolds’ Private Life

What is the truth about Debbie Reynolds’ private life today? Now, in a personal heart-to-heart talk with her long-time friend Louella Parsons, Debbie confides all: “I have never seen Glenn Ford away from the sets of the three pictures we have made together.” Debbie Reynolds...