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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 161)

The Christmas Stocking Story

It was the night before Christmas when Santa appeared—for a preview of what the ladies would wear. What he saw sent him chuckling back to the North Pole—“We want stockings in our stockings!” they declared. Lacy stockings, colored stockings, stockings twinkling with rhinestones bright. For...

Sentimentally Yours . . .

Ten years ago, twelve-year-olds like Pat Crowley didn’t spend their movie allowances to see stars like Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, Bill Powell, Jimmy Cagney, Edward G. Robinson. They were old—only people like parents went to see them! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Spencer...

Impertinent Interview—Rory and Lita Calhoun 

“WHAT ABOUT the double life you lead?” I asked Rory Calhoun. “Does your wife approve?” “Approve? She helps me lead it! Matter of fact, we’ve been leading a double life together ever since we were married seven years ago. “When Lita and I were married on August...

Hollywood Party Line

THE THALIANS is a new social group comprising about two hundred members of movietown’s younger set, both sexes. But plenty older celebs are joining up or lending a hand to this bunch of “do-gooders.” Aside from talking shop at their meetings, they also stage charity...

The Desperate Hours

It takes courage to wait, to hang on when there seems to be no hope. Both Dewey Martin and Mary Murphy have had to go through periods of near-despair, when it looked as if their careers had hit a dead end. But when executive producer...

That’s Hollywood For You

I BELIEVE THAT Mario Lanza is misunderstood, even by himself . . . Saw Liz Taylor with gray hair after she played a scene for “Giant.” If this is a preview of things to come, I’m putting in my bid for Liz Taylor as on...