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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 90)

Layered Nougat Cookies

MAKES 1 TRAY For the dough: 1½ cup + 5 tsp (200 g) flour, ¾ cup + 2 tsp (80 g) ground hazelnuts, 34 cup (175 g) butter, ½ cup + 2 tbsp (75 g) powdered sugar, 2 tsp (8 g) vanilla sugar, zest from 1 organic...

Muscle Cars

American motoring muscle reached its zenith at the start of the 1970s. V8 engines were bigger than ever before, and delivered unprecedented power. The fastest and rarest muscle cars were the specials built for NASCAR racing, such as the aerodynamic Dodge Charger Daytona and Plymouth...

Great Marques—The Dodge Story

From respected component manufacturer to car-maker, to core brand of the Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles, Dodge has become a fixture in US motoring history that survives and thrives today. Merged into Chrysler as a mid-priced brand, it blossomed in the 60s muscle car boom, and was the...

Will Hollywood Ever See Audrey Hepburn Again?

Here at last is a completely up-to-date report on Audrey Hepburn—and the answers to the questions Hollywood has been asking ever since her sudden—and much disapproved—marriage to Mel Ferrer—plus of never-before-published pictures of Audrey, including the amazing photographs that got her first screen test for...

What’s Cooking, Debbie Reynolds?

Ask Miss Reynolds when she’s getting married and she tells you, wide-eyed, “I don’t know.” But ask her what she plans to feed her husband and she’ll supply you with the recipes!...