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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 184)

Hollywood Party Line

Parties, parties, parties and one standout preem this month. But so many soirees, large and small, I fer sure won’t have room for all of ’em! The biggest, most lavish shindig tossed hereabouts since the famed Marion Davies hoop-la was given by wealthy charitable Elsinore Macris...

Hollywood Whispers

The Kirk Douglas-Anne Buydens merging that has Hollywood still spinning. Kirk met Anne, a film publicist, when he went to France to make “Act of Love.” He and Anne became fast friends, although his heart still belonged to Pier Angeli. Then Kirk returned to America—and...

That’s Hollywood For You

I know a guy whose favorite actress is Piper Laurie. But he wonders if she and all the other girls around Hollywood—including Debbie Reynolds—are as innocent as they seem to be . . . Yvonne DeCarlo believes most good-looking men aren’t smart . . ....

How A Star Is Born?—Marilyn Monroe

You have talent, beauty, drive. Hollywood is your shining dream but you wonder how to turn it into shining reality. Photoplay tells you, in a series of six stories, exactly what steps to take...