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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 282)

Squeeze Play

When "The Searchers" company went on location to Monument Valley, the outlook looked pretty grim tor teenagers Pat Wayne and Natalie Wood. No corner drugstores or drive-ins —just sand and sun and long evenings of nothing. It was the end, simply the end, until director...

Shapes Ahoy

Men who venture out to the beach this year will be swimming in dangerous waters—if they don't want to find themselves deep in a romance! Because today's mermaids, judging by this crop of Hollywood sea sirens, are practically irresistible. A warning for the girls, though....

“The Rack”

This is the name of a motion picture which you simply must not miss. You may have already seen the original version on your TV screens nearly a year ago. But, even so, the movie version is truly one of the most exciting screenplays you...

Glamour Gab Of Hollywood

A second wedding ring for Liz Taylor * Hollywood glamour history recalled at Pickfair party * A Waterbury prediction about Ava and Frankie...

Stamped By Scandal!

Flaring into sudden violence, following an ugly story in an expose magazine, Jeanne Crain’s ten-year marriage exploded in a divorce court. The cause is here....

He Got Out From Behind The Ball

Life had always been a friend to Jeff Hunter. Then, into his marriage and career, came a stranger. And suddenly Jeff realized how unprepared he was—for failure!...