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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 310)

Moody Vagabond

From oatmeal to orchids—and not too concerned about it all—that’s Tom Drake, who takes life as he finds it and adds his own dash of spice...

I, Hedy

Here is a story wherein the heroine admits, “I’m shy, like to laugh—and love, above all, being Mrs. John Loder”...

It Had To Be You

We couldn’t stop reading this story of the studios. Only someone who has lived as excitingly close to the stars as this writer could tell so true a tale of Hollywood.—BY KATHERINE ALBERT...

You And Frank Sinatra

However you feel about Frankie, pro or con, you won’t want to miss this fascinating breakdown of what makes teensters tick...

Shirley In Short

Putting together the past and the present of an all-time popular girl—bewitching Miss Shirley Temple....