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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 28)

How Safe Is Dinah Shore’s Now?

In the eyes of the world, Dinah Shore’s marriage to George Montgomery looked as solid as American Tel and Tel. The Downtown Business Men’s Association of Los Angeles even named them “Hollywood’s Ideal Couple.” And the title stuck—until recently. One day, only shortly after their...

10 Ways Jack Kennedy Is Romantic To Jackie

Jacqueline Bouvier knew from the moment she met Jack Kennedy that her life would be different. It was in 1951, at a dinner party at the home of Charles Bartlett, who was Washington correspondent for the Chattanooga Times and an old friend. Jackie was just back from...

Tribute To A Great Guy—Gary Cooper

“And Coop,” Jimmy Stewart said slowly, “I want you to know . . . that with this goes all the warm friendship—and the affection—and—” The famous voice cracked and broke. The vast audience in the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium sat motionless in stunned silence. Across...

Eddie Fisher’s Back In Debbie Reynolds’s Life

One day in April, a Beverly Hills real estate office received two telephone calls. Both were from prospective buyers in the entertainment world. The office handles only exclusive listings (no home less than $50,000) on a confidential basis and caters to celebrities, so that in...