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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 63)

Small Cars

In the 1920s manufacturers competed to produce practical motor cars at prices the middle classes could afford, finally enabling car ownership to extend beyond the wealthy elite. Some of these vehicles were terribly primitive, others almost too small to be usable. But there were also...

First Report On As A Father—Marlon Brando

Anna and Marlon Brando live in one of California’s most extraordinary houses—a modern Japanese style house, high on a hilltop. It’s not large in comparison to mansions—three bedrooms, two baths—but it’s one of the finest of its type in this country. From somewhere I recall...

Quince Paste

In Spain, slices of this sweet fragrant paste, called membrillo, are served atop wedges of rich Manchego cheese as an hors d’oeuvre. Try it with goat cheese as well—or just put it out for breakfast in place of jam. ...

The Day I Discovered My Heart—Tony Perkins

It all started innocently enough. It was just a studio-arranged date. Neither of us. expected it to turn out the way it did. . . . Elaine Aiken and I were in Lone Pine, California, on location for The Lonely Man. And on our first Sunday off from...

Poached Quince Salad

Salty ham, buttery cheese, and rich almonds play up the delicate sweetness of the honey-poached quinces in this sweet-savory salad. For the best results, use Marcona almonds, which are fried salted almonds imported from Spain....

Great Marques—The Rolls-Royce Story

From the earliest days of this famous British marque, the design and manufacture of its cars has focused on quality, refinement, and reliability. As a result, Rolls-Royces have long been known as the best cars in the world, so much so that the Rolls-Royce name...

Cars for the Middle Classes

The 1920s saw huge changes in the driving world, as high-volume production pushed down prices, and it became the norm for the middle classes in Europe and the United States to own cars. An Atlantic divide emerged, with European mainstream cars mostly being powered by...

The Complete Life Story Of Jimmy Rodgers

One gray afternoon—barely a year ago—a slim, dark-eyed fellow named Jimmy Rodgers stopped his beat-up convertible before a dinky cottage in a rundown part of Hollywood. He switched off the radio, lit a cigarette and slumped down behind the wheel to think. He had some...