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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 273)

What Ails Me

What is happening to Farley Granger? A great deal, according to this story. You will find the truth more amazing than any rumors....

Fireside Picnic

When a Hollywood bachelor girl Audrey Totter buys her own home—that’s news. When friends pitch in and sew for their supper—that’s a party...

Restless Hearts

Even the happily married Gary Coopers couldn’t escape the critical season known as “the dangerous years”...

All In Her Lifetime—Betty Hutton

In the beginning there was poverty and tears—and a little girl fiercely proclaiming, “You wait, Mom, someday I’ll get you out of this.” The turbulent story of Photoplay’s Gold Medal winner and her fight to make that promise come true....

The House That Grew Up

Is your home a relic of the past or is it, like Shirley Temple’s, bright proof that houses can change along with the people who live in them?...

Faith—and five million dollars

The unbelievable story that began ten years ago—when a great producer saw a chubby fifteen-year-old girl and knew she could become the star Faith Domergue is today....