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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 254)

Hollywood Picture Gallery

When Tony Curtis heard he was at last going to do a musical, he leaped with joy. He went on leaping in dance rehearsals with Gene Nelson for “Three Gobs in Paris.”...

“The Black Shield of Falworth”

The average young married couple kisses a loving goodbye on the morning of each working day. But for Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis there was a sweet hello-again almost every day that “The Black Shield of Falworth” was shooting. ...

Doris Day: “Lucky Me”

Maybe the music in Doris Day’s heart was out of tune for a while, but now it rings as true as the notes of her singing voice. You remember that she began Warners’ “Lucky Me” under a shadow of rumored illness. Yet the millions of...

It Pays To Be Good

Hollywood’s headline hunters should take a lesson from some stars whose private lives and careers prove. . ....

Blind Date Party

Sitting in front row: Mitzi, Lori, Nelson, Dolores Dorn, Susan Cabot. Back row: Jack Bean, Terry Moore, Dick Anderson. Standing: Hugh O’Brian (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mitzi Gaynor’s blind date party began as a dinner-time conversation. “It’s spring,” said Mitzi to...