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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 256)

Read Robert Conrad’s Story

Something happened to him that summer when he was sixteen. It made him take a long look at himself. “I’ve got to change,” he thought desperately. “I’ve got to be somebody. Even when I ran away from home to make something of myself, all I made...

Can Tuesday Hold On To Elvis?

The place was jammed to the door and jumping at The Cross Bow, a little-known rock ’n’ roll hangout in the San Fernando, one recent Saturday night. Gals and guys left their tables for the crowded floor, swinging to the beat of Lance and the...

Is Doris Day Sick Of Being A Good Wife?

“I'm a difficult character to live with,” Doris Day admits.“Marty should know, he’s been living with me for nine years. I run his home—but I’m too darn clean. I cook for him, but not so good as my mother. I’m bossy, I criticize him—is that...