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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 263)

We Love You Diana!

PART VII   It was slow to sink in that Sunday morning. “What did you say? Princess Diana has died? Diana is dead?” This was one of those where-were-you-when-you-heard? moments. JFK, MLK, RFK, the Challenger explosion. We all remember where we were, and how unreal, entirely untethered,...

Lawrence Welk: “It Hurts When People Laugh At You”

Are they laughing at me?” Lawrence Welk stared at his own image on the television srreen—the program had been filmed this week so he could appear at a benefit. Now he could see himself exactly as people all across the country were seeing him. “Sure they...

Reaching Out, Racing Away

PART VI   In what seems an impossible calculus, Diana, no longer in line to be queen, grew even more famous. Only this particular woman could have engineered such a thing, and such a thing could only have been engineered in our modern age—a golden age of...