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Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 93)

Great Designers Bertone

Arguably the greatest name in the history of car styling, Nuccio Bertone’s company was one of the world’s longest-lived design brands. Under Nuccio’s guidance the company created pioneering and commercially successful designs for the likes of Alfa Romeo and Lamborghini, applied ideas of genius to...

Lancia Stratos HF

The winner of the Rally World Championships in 1974,1975, and 1976, the Lancia Stratos was developed from a striking, fluorescent orange, wedge-shaped concept car designed by Bertone and launched at the Turin Motor Show in 1971. Swapping that model’s four-cylinder Lancia engine for Ferrari’s Dino...

Vintage Paparazzi Star Fashions

HOW TO LOOK LIKE A MOVIE MERMAID   This is it: how to look stunning in the sun. Secret? A swimsuit that’s new . . . exciting . . . and fits like a dream. This summer, anyone can look like a movie mermaid. Now there are...

The Way Of A Bride—Pier Angeli & Vic Damone

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pier Angeli was flying to Palm Springs to join Vic Damone in the home he had picked out for them. Then suddenly the happiest story turned into tragedy. Crossing the mountain range just five minutes out of the Palm Springs Airport the plane struck...

Vintage Paparazzi’s Star Fashions For Fun

Quick Change Artists   Nimble Debbie Reynolds (of M-G-M’s “Affairs of Dobie Gillis”) kicks her heels in ideal weekend outfit, six-piecer by Ike Clark of Dallas, in fire-red and polka-dot sudsable rayon-linen. 8-18. Jacket, blouse, skirt, each under $8; shorts, tank top, hat, each under $6. Red Cross...

Biography Of Marilyn Monroe

PART III   The bride was on time. On January 14, 1954, at one o’clock, Marilyn Monroe, twenty-seven years old, married Joe DiMaggio, thirty-nine, in the San Francisco City Hall. The ceremony, which lasted all of three minutes, was performed by Municipal Court Judge Charles Peery. The Los...

The Two Loves Of Ben Cooper

He carries two pictures in his wallet—one is a showgirl, the other is a horse. Both of them were part of the wonderful years Ben Cooper will never forget....

Filled Almond Cookies

MAKES 1 TRAY For the dough: ¾ cup + 2 tbsp (200 g) soft butter, 1¼ cups (150 g) powdered sugar, 3 eggs, 1 pinch of salt, zest from 1 organic lemon, pulp from 1 vanilla bean, 1 cup + 1 tbsp (¼ 1) cream, 2...