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Retro Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Retro" (Page 166)

Tony Curtis, It’s Time You Opened Your Eyes Too

Dear Tony: There’s something you ought to know right from the beginning of this letter. You are being stared at. You are being talked about. You have only to open your eyes to know exactly what we mean. For weeks we at Photoplay Closed our...

But Sandra Dee, What Will You Do If It’s A Girl?

The trouble with Sandy is that she absolutely refuses to think pink. The whole thing is part of her all-out “boy insurance” campaign. “If it’s a boy” and says, “it’s going to be Jeffrey.” Then she adds, “If it’s a girl, it’s going to be...

“Does it hurt to die?”—Marilyn Monroe

Everyone dies alone. Everyone thrashes alone in the darkness until even the thrashing stops and all there is is darkness. For each his own separate darkness. But she died alone as only crippled men in charity wards die, whose wives and friends and children are...

Visiting Day At The Peter Falks’

Peter Falk—who is he? For one thing, he’s very much in. And to make sure he stays in, there are bars on the window. To remind him of his home town—Ossining? “Yeah.” he says, “I’m doing a stretch in a Spanish hacienda.” He is doing...