Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

Feature Attractions

To the casual visitor, Hollywood is a city of excitement and glamour. To the people who live there, it’s hone—where large families are the rule and the biggest box office names are, above all, parents concerned with the problems—joys, too—of bringing up children. This is the good life of Hollywood.

Giving mother a lift: Joanne Dru with her children, Richard, Ralph, Helen Joanna, Barbara Nugent

The Bob Hopes feel there’s more room for laughter when the family is large. Left to right, Tony, Dolores, little Kelly, Bob, Nora (in hat) and Linda

Linda Darnell wanted a baby—adopted Charlotte Mildred

Pony express: Besides Alana, Alan Ladd has two sons, a stepdaughter 

Adding a new note of happiness to the Lanza home is baby Coleen. Mario, here with his wife Betty Hicks, sang his way to success with his first film role 

Someone to go home for: Stephen, the Humphrey Bogarts’ bright boy

The Bill Williamses didn’t wait for prosperity to have the baby they wanted—Barbara Willa Johanna

Keeping in step with family life—Betty Hutton, Lindsay