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Love Conquered—Olive Kathryn Grandstaff & Bing Crosby

When Kathy Grant, nee Olive Kathryn Grandstaff of West Columbia, Texas, came to Hollywood, she kept the hometown door ajar by writing a column for Texas papers. “Go on, columnists don’t come that pretty,” said Bing Crosby when she came to interview him. Afterward Kathy confided to a friend, “I love that man. Some day I’m going to marry him.” They began to date, but it took four years to make that dream come true. Years of weighing the difference in religion, and difference in age—he’s fifty-three, she’s twenty-three. Kathy embraced the Catholic faith, and a year ago secret marriage bans were published in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Kathy even bought a wedding gown. But shortly after, they parted.

Kathy was heartsick, but said that she felt a public that idolized Bing would disapprove. But Bing was lonely, with three sons in the Army and the other in school. He roamed from one mansion to another, at last called Kathy and confessed, “I’m not happy away from you.” So Kathy took a plane to Las Vegas to become Mrs. Crosby. Only his mother and Msgr. John J. Ryan, who performed the ceremony at St. Ann’s Catholic Church, were in on the secret. But now, everyone rejoices that love has conquered loneliness for Bing—and for his sweet bride Kathy, too.