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It’s Easy To Make Your Own Curls—Debbie Reynolds

Don’t envy the girl who is always ready for that unexpected date with her hair groomed and curled and set as though she had just left her week’s savings in a beauty parlor. Her secret—it could be well cared for naturally curled hair.

But, nine times out of ten she is the gal that gives herself regular home perms and special hair care. Girls with straight, straggly hair are not unfortunate. They are just lazy and careless.

Today any gal can have curls—and not just any kind of curls, but the very kind she wants for her particular hair-do—in a matter of minutes with any one of the miraculous new home perms. Success in giving yourself a home perm depends on following the instructions very carefully. They are not difficult but they do require a little thought and study.

There are several methods of giving yourself a home perm—all are easy to use. Try several different home perms, choose the one that gives you the kind of curls most suited to your particular hair style. All of the home perms will delight you. The most important news about giving yourself a home perm is that the job is now easier, faster and more successful. Thanks to the never tiring efforts of the manufacturers you can feel sure that the products you use are constantly being perfected—not only to give you more beautiful curls but also to help you complete a perfect, easy, speedy job. Frizzy perms are a thing of the past. Today permanent wave products, if directions are followed carefully, are designed to give your hair a soft, natural and beautiful wave. There are even home perms that never need re-setting. After-shampoo rinses add softness to your hair and make it more manageable, so don’t overlook using them.

Before you start to give yourself a perm always be sure that your hair is in excellent condition. If you have mistreated it or neglected it—you should start a routine of hair care right now. Be sure that it has not become dry and brittle because of rushed, careless treatment or by indifferent jobs of bleaching or color rinsing. If either of these hair imperfections plague you, set about correcting them at once with regular prepared shampoos, lotions and creams—very soon your hair will be in proper condition for you to give yourself a perm. One word of caution. If your hair is in very bad condition it is suggested that you wait for a re-growth of hair before you tackle a home perm job.

Always start your home perm with a freshly shampooed head of hair—just slightly damp. Be sure that you part your hair neatly and smooth the strands. Carelessly prepared sectionings and tangled hair strands are some of the real causes of home perm failures. For a really finished and professional looking job start from the back. Curl front section last. Remember the perfection of a perm is just what you make it.

There are other things you should remember, too. Be sure and have your hair trimmed regularly and give it a great deal of between-perm care so that it will be in perfect condition when you are ready for your next perm. In between your whole head perms you may need a few little end curls re-done. And, last but most surely just as important as your perm—your hair style! The girl with naturally curly hair wouldn’t look wonderful unless she had her hair properly styled and cared for. A home perm is the important beginning. It is up to you to be sure that you keep it looking at it’s best all of the time.